chapter 13

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نہ تھیں کوءی اور رنجشیں ، صرف عادتوں میں تضاد تھا
کہ اسے پسند تھیں شوخیاں ، مجھے سادگی میں کمال تھا


after that I went inside my room I change my dress and sit on the floor in the corner of the room I hugged my knees and think about life again my life is miserable he made my life miserable. 

he told that man that he doesn't know me if he doesn't want people to know about me that's why. why did he take me there? by now I was a crying mess. crying over my faith all I want now is peace but I can't get it with him being near me. every time I saw him, he reminds me of my father who he just killed with the snap of his fingers. 

now I know why baba always told me to stay strong because he knows someday will come and he will leave me as mama did. 

but today my talk with Ethan bahi made me want to give my marriage a chance and wait for Allah to show me the reason behind everything. 

my talk with Ethan bhai made me think that maybe something made Zaviyar a bad person it can happen, no one is born evil even the devil was once an angel. maybe Ethan bahi was right everything happens for a reason. 

I'm ready to give my marriage a chance. but it only means ill give my marriage a chance not him. he killed my father and ill never forgave him for that. 

I took a deep breath and went downstairs to drink water I was thirsty. I went to the kitchen fill the jug of water and drink one glass, but when I turn around I saw him standing there all horrified gasp left my mouth.

he was standing o close to me and he came so quietly that I didn't know that he was standing behind me. and then suddenly I jumped in horror when I heard the terrifying sound of a thunderstorm outside. I put a hand on my chest to stop my rapid heartbeat.

I was about to leave from the side when he holds my wrist and said "leaving so soon wify"

 my heart did a faint jump at what he said . "please let go "I tried to free my hand from his steel grip.

"not so soon," he said and starts dragging me upstairs towards his bedroom I kept struggling but no use. 

he threw me inside his bedroom and not before locking the door. then he took steps just like a  predicator took steps towards his prey.

he has a smirking plaster on his face. "you can hide from me, but you can't run from me deso" he said while coming dangerously close to me. I was scared to death.

He sat on the floor to face me I started to back away until my back hit the bed. He came closer to me and tuck my hair strands behind my ears so that he can see my terrified face more closely.

"you know you're really beautiful just like a rose, but it's futile, pointless, in vain. because now your mine and ill pluck you, break you in a way that no one can repair you" he said in a dangerously low voice.

In the shadows his face was so close to hers that she could smell the fragrance of the mint juice that he had been drinking, and then her tongue was in my mouth. in truth, he had never tasted so delicious
breath before; he kissed her like a beast, she felt like he was eating her. he kissed her but that was not an ordinary one it was a rough, strong and punishing one.

she keeps pushing him but it was in vain, soon she got out of breath and her lungs were on fire. she starts pushing him with more force left in her, as she feels like she was about to die he left her mouth only to attack her neck.

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