chapter 1

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میں نکل پاتی نہیں یاد کے حلقے سے کبھی
مجھ کو ایک شخص میں رہ جانے کی بیماری ہے


Aykiz, S P.V.O

"Wake up Aykiz " I heard bua,s (maid) voice

"Ummm," I said, holding the pillow on my head

" Aykizzzzzzz " I heard her threatening voice again

"just one more second " I mumbled

"one second is over. .know wake up you're going to be late for college " she said while snatching my pillow

"OK fine," I said, as don't have any other option other than to wake up "good," she said while leaving my room, I rubbed my eyes and go straight to the restroom, I did my business then I select my outfit for today and then went to check my phone

Because I'm one of the unfortunate people in the world who doesn't have electrical switches near the bed, I have to put my phone on the shelf to charge it, which means no phone for me at night
Sad I know...

When I checked my phone it has 7 missed calls from Ayzel and 32 messages on WhatsApp must be thinking why has she called me so many times, actually she was just teasing me by calling my cousin Ibrahim my crush... well that's not true, once he was looking so cute and I tell Ayzel that he is looking good and that was the last day I remembered I was in peace because from that day onwards she starts teasing me by his name

Well I ignored all her messages, wear my dupatta and went downstairs there is see the most beautiful person ever

My father

I run toward him and hugged him tightly from behind "Babaaaaaa...."(father.....) I said while hugging him
"ohhh good morning my lovely daughter " he replied

"same to you baba," I said "uff baba your reading that useless newspaper again" I hate when baba gives more attention to that newspaper than me

"OK fine here," he said while folding the newspaper "know tell me what you want "

"I don't want anything " I lied "by the way who said that I want something, "I asked

"no one has to say something I know my daughter very well, you know the extra sweetness in your voice, now tell me what you want, " baba asked.

"If you are insisting me to tell you, then ok I want to gootoothyrk with Ayzel," I said innocently " please please please pretty please baba" I started to beg him before he could even say something.

"OK, but be careful " yessssss mission was successful.

"OK baba now go to college or I'll be late," I said.

"you didn't eat your breakfast, Aykiz " baba replied.

"I'll eat something in the college with Ayzel " I stated.

"OK bye baba"


I enter the college and saw the most useless person ever Ayzel
She was standing near the bench and waiting for me. I walk towards her ."Hi idiot " she said "hello stupid " I replied.

"so are we going to park today or not, " she asked all excited.

"yep we are going"

"yessssssssss," she said with that both of us went towards our class and our first period is maths
Whyyyyyyyyy,...!!! Life is so unfair for students
Well, the time passes and now college is over and we are going to the theme park.

"Ayzel I need to eat something or else I'll die of hunger," I said while giving her my best puppy dog face.

"Then die it's not my fault that you didn't eat your breakfast properly," she said while rolling her eyes.

"correction it's not that I didn't eat my breakfast properly it's I didn't eat my breakfast at all," I said with a bit of irritation in my voice.

"OK fine you don't have to make that puppy dog face," she said while expecting her defeat.

"do you know there is a new cafe open daily near the park let's go over there," I said.

"OK" she stated and we start walking towards the cafe.

I entered the cafe Ayzel didn't come with me because she have an important call to attend to, I went towards the counter there was a beautiful girl most probably in her mid-20s standing on the counter.

"Hi ma'am how can I help you," she asked with a beautiful smile on her face.

"1 cold coffee please " I replied with a smile too she nodded and went back to the kitchen I guess.

A few seconds later a handsome man enters the cafe. He was typing something on his phone he was wearing an expensive-looking black suit and a stylish watch in his hand which look branded. His face looks like God made him with his own hands. He looked like a Greek God he pitches black coloured eyes which made him look even more handsome as well as dangerous at the time.

How can a person be this handsome.....???I wish he was my boy.
Astaghfirullah..!!! Ask what is happening with you are you insane? Bad Aykiz bad Aykiz.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I forget how long I have been looking at him and checking him out. I look at his face and he was smirking. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. Great just great you can't make more fool of yourself than this Aykiz With that I looked away from him.

He went to the counter the same lady asked for his order " black coffee " he replied in a deep thick accent his voice was so commendable & dominating. "Oo..k s.sir" that girl shuttered and went to the kitchen why the hell was that girl shuttering

Just then I notice that the man has tattoos on his neck his suit was covering them but still, you can see the tattoos from his neck. Just then the same girl came to me and said that my order is ready I have to go to the counter to get my coffee I gave a last glance at that man and went to take my order. .....

That's it for todayHow was the chapter??? Boring I know but it's just the beginning Feel free to point out the mistakes

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That's it for today
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