chapter 26

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حسرتوں کے دفن کا سامان ہونا چاہیے
دل کے ایک کونے میں قبرستان ہونا چاہیے

*Flashback continues *

Zeenat was sitting on the balcony when Huzafia entered the room he spotted her sitting in the balcony and went toward her.

"Hi beautiful, " Huzaifa said.

Zeenat acknowledged his presence and replied with a simple " Hey"

"hey ... just a simple hey. you know what sometimes I think that you love me the way you say it because if you do then you should be excited to meet me to see me but all I get is a simple HEY. I can't see any excitement in your eyes " Huzaifa said dramatically as he craved her attention.

"So are you doubting my love for you," she asked though she knows that he was teasing her.

"No no of course not how can I commit such a sin Zano," Huzafia said while panicking.

Zeenat chunked a little at his reaction. He does love her a lot.

"I'm not showing my love doesn't mean I don't love you Huzifa, it's just that after mom dad has passed away I'm scared to love anyone because I don't want to lose you like I have lost mom and dad. "
Zeenat explained a thousand times.

"Zeenat, not everyone you love ends up like them it's just a delusion of yours, not every story has the same ending, It was not your fault they died. and now when your living whit us everything is will be fine " Huzafia told her.

"I know that not every story has the same ending but some do, ever since I stepped into this have I'm sensing the danger around me and around everyone I loved. and this thing scares me the most "

"I hope everything will be fine, " Huzafia said not wanting to argue with her any longer.

"I hope the same " Zeenat mumbled.
after a few minutes of silence, Zeenat finally spoke again.

"How much do you love me ?" she asked.

listening to her innocent question. Huzaifa turns to look at her he looked at her like he was taking in every feature of her. He hold her face with both his hands and said.

"I love you so much that I want to drown in those ocean Blue eyes filling every inch of my lungs with you and just you. I love you so much that wherever I breathe your essence is constant. not letting me forget about you for even a second. "
Huzaifa was in the middle of explaining when suddenly Zeenat starts blushing like an idiot and to hide her blush she said that she heard Dada (grandfather ) calling her.

Huzaifa chunked at her cuteness and followed her to their Dada's bedroom.

Zeenat knocked at the door when she heard a little come inside her after that she enters his Dada's bedroom followed by Huzaifa.

"Dada Jan who are you ?" She asked while sitting next to him on his bed.

"I'm fine but what about you, " Dada asked.

"Same here "

"Beti it's already 8:30 am are you not leaving for your college? " Dada asked.

"Ohh bang I forgot about the college, the driver must be waiting, I gotta go bye " she hugged her Dada and give Huzafia a little smile and went towards her destination.

Unaware of what was about to come.


It was about 2:00 pm and Hadi was with some of his friends, waiting outside the girl's college. To tease them and check them out. Hadi along with his friends have guards with heavy loaded guns as Zeeshan doesn't let him go outside without any security. They were all of the friends are sitting in the trunk drinking beer, commenting at every girl who was passing by.

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