chapter 9

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تونے بس دیکھا ہے صحرا میں ایک درویش
تو نے درویش میں ابھی صحرا نہیں دیکھا ...


I woke up in the same room he threw me in a few days ago. My version was blurry I blink a few times to adjust my version. My head was hurting like hell. I look at the window from a distance and it's dark outside. I sit on the bed trying to remember how I ended up here, and the painful memories hit me hard,  everything starts to play in front of my eyes, I look at my hopeless eyes when he was forcefully marrying me,  tears room down my cheeks. I miss my father if he heard then this marriage never took apart.

Death changes everything,  time changes nothing, I still miss the sound of your voice  and the wisdom in your advice,
The stories of your life and just being in your presence. So no, time changes nothing I still miss you just as much today as I did the day you died. I just miss you. And I can't forgive the person who killed you baba..!

I was still in my thoughts when the door opened and revile the most disgusting thing on the planet earth. I look at him with pure hatred in my eyes I hate this man from all of my heart. I look at him in his eyes and for a second they look satisfied then he changes, and he again covered his eyes with that emotionless ones. What does he want and why is he here?

I was about to stand up when I realized that I am still wearing the wedding dress and I sigh in relief.  But that didn't last long as the devil starts to take steps towards me. The fear again rose in my body and I started to take back steps and that was until my back hits the wall. He smirked at me, and that to a very evil one. 

"Time for your punishment," he said I was about to run when he put both of his hands on the wall trapping me between walls, I keep trying to push myself inside the wall as I wanted the wall to swallow me. He bend down to my level I saw his eyes and they were blank no emotions can be found in them.

He kissed my earlobe and I jumped and a shriek whisper left my mouth, he then look into my eyes and said "Scared already my deseo I didn't even start.... yet, there was so much more to come " I ignored the word he just referred me with because right now I have so many more things to concentrate. My heart started to beat so fast that my heartbeat can be heard.

Then he started to kiss my neck "s-stop p..please " I pleaded with him, I jumped at my spot because he just bite my neck. I pushed him away from me but it was in vain. He was too strong.

Then he looked at her and in a swift motion he throw her dupatta and because of that her hair clip broke and revelling her long beautiful hair down her hips. She felt naked in front of him.

Then he slammed his lips on her soft ones. Her body felt numb for a second as her brain contemplated what the hell is happening.

As soon as his lips move. She felt a petrified shiver run down her spine as she instantly tries to push his bottom avail. She can't go anywhere as he is trapping her between him and the wall. His lips move in a caressing manner.

Large hopeless tears escape her eyes, she tried her best to wriggle out of his trap but it was almost impossible. A painful yelp escape her lips as he harshly bite her lower lips, it was like he was eating her.

He left her mouth for a gulp of oxygen. "P..please s-stop ummmmp" as he again capture her lips as he does not let her say a word, his hands go up through her hair and pulled it harshly as her chest arched A painful whine left her mouth as he growled and deepened his kiss. And yanked her hair more harshly.

He stopped and look at her in the eyes and said "you smelled like vanilla my Deseo" with that said he attacked her neck, leaving marks here and there, Zaviyar was still in his daze when her struggles died down.

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