chapter 29

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درد ہے ،یا تیری طلب
جو بھی ہے،مسلسل ہے

After the blackness of night, Earth's star rises on the horizon.

Above those tangerine mountains, kissed to their heady blush by the sun, were clouds that moved in shoals. And so the sky was equal parts blue and a chorus of greys, streaked with silvers and golds.

The sunrise came as if it had missed the innocent soul and wanted nothing more than to warm up those blue ires and to take the darkness of the last night away from her.

Slowly the golden rays of the sun enter m making the whole room shine in the bright.

The golden rays made their way towards the innocent soul, and the rays themselves feel sympathy towards the pitiable soul laying half dead on the bed.

Slowly Zeenat open her eyes, there were no emotions in those eyes, yet they carried the warmth and life of the sunlit surface. They had a thousand hues of blue and a small touch of hazel radiating in softly swooping arcs.

then suddenly her emotions hit her like a truck.




these were the only three things she was feeling at that moment.

The pain she was feeling extreme pain in her whole body, each inch of her body was aching badly, but the part which hurt the most is her heart. the mental pain was so much more as compared to the physical pain. the pain of her beloved being snatched away from her, the pain of her uncle presenting her as a pact, the pain of living the rest of her life as a personal whore.

Suffering she was suffering from the loss, the loss of her loved ones. first her parents, grandfather and now her beloved . she was suffering from the day she was born, I was the very few emotions she got familiar with.

The helplessness she was feeling helpless in this cruel world of men, in which women means nothing but a toy. Today she was feeling powerless, vulnerable and incapable . she can't even help herself. she failed to protect herself from these merciless men and in helplessness,  she have to bow in front of these people completely in their mercy.

she was deep in her thoughts that for some time she forgot the worries of the world, she forgot the pain she was feeling, she forgot the place where she was. and at that time all she was feeling was numbness.

then a creaking sound of the door opening was heard in the dead silence. Zeenat looks up she was expecting the beast again but found no one she looked closely and saw a little kid pecking through the door. when the little kid saw that she was looking at him he immediately run away. 

Zeenat dragged herself into a sitting position, and clue the door opened revealing a beautiful young lady. she had a tray full of breakfast in her hands.

Zeenat tries to get up from the bed to help her but she winced in pain when she tried to move.

"Don't move the pain will soon go away Dear "
that girl spoke politely as she put the tray on her bed.

Zeenat keeps looking at her as if she had seen a ghost,  she was observing her every action as the girl sits on the bed near the tray and her.

"Hi I'm Anaya, you must be Zeenat right ?"
Anaya asked.

"yeah, but how do you know my name ?" Zeenat asked still confused.

"Zeeshan " Anaya replied shortly.

listening to his name  Zeenat got all alert. Anaya saw that and said.

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