chapter 12

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میرے تو درد بھی کسی کے کام آتے ہیں،
میں رو پروں تو لوگ مسکراتے ہیں ۔


We start to walk towards the huge and beautiful building it looks luxurious the building was filled with golden and blue lights. Some journalists were taking pictures of every couple. As soon as we reached the entrance everyone starts to take pictures, I closed my eyes because of the camera flashlights.

As we enter the building everyone starts to stare at us it's making me so uncomfortable. I look at them some men were giving me filthy looks and women were looking at me with disgust,  hatred and jealousy. They all make me scared. I instantly hold Zaviyar,s arm and hide behind him.

He turn around and looks at me and then smirked. He went to meet his business partners and I followed him behind.  He talks to them for some time and I just look around as I don't know what they are talking about.

After some time he went to sit on the couch in the corner and I followed him like a lost puppy. I ignored everyone's eyes and sit next to him.

After some time an old man came, he looks like he is in his late 40,s. He was wearing a blsuitite and have a long scar on his face which starts from his eyes to his chin. He looks scary and disgusting at the same time. He look at me from head to toe like was eye-raping me. I gulped hard because I'm having negative vibes from him.

"Hi, Mr Zaviyar Malik. Nice to see you I wasn't expecting you here" he said trying to be all sweet, but the bitterness in his voice didn't go unnoticed by me. Zaviyar just reply with a nod.

"And who is this beautiful lady? Is he with you Mr Zaviyar" he asked him while looking at me with lust-filled eyes.

"No I don't know her " and with that, he stands up and leave. I looked at him with utter shock, disappointment and hurt. I know he doesn't like to be but this is too much. I can't believe it, how can a person be this low?

I saw him leaving me assigning the bar stool. I just keep looking at him for I don't know how long. I'm so hurt at this point that you can't believe it.

While the scary-looking guy sits next to me. "Wana comes with me for one night," he said. Unbelievable. I turn to face him and look at him with disgust.  I was about to say something but then decided to tototeas about to leave when he hold my hand and said "Feisty I like it you look more beautiful underneath me "

That's it, he has gone too far. With all the range I had in me, I raise my hand and then
He receives a tight slap from me.

"I'M NOT A PROSTITUTE" I gritted through my teeth in anger.

And with that I leave him I went outside the building, I was about to leave but the guards stopped me by saying you're not allowed to leave.  there was a huge garden at the entrance I went there and saw a bench in the corner. There were not many people there. I sit on the bench and try my best to control my anger, which was now replaced by tears.

I take a deep breath and control my tears, but no use my face was plain but my eyes were showing that I'm hurt deeply hurt. Tears roll down my cheeks, and I kept looking at the sky without any emotions on my face, but my eyes were saying everything.

Am I that bad .....!
Am I that bad to deserve this .......!
Am I never be able to love again. ........!
Am I never gonna live a peaceful life .......!
Am I going to live like this forever........!
Why Allah. ...!
Why am I the one to face all this ......!
What have I ever done to deserve this to deserve him .....!

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