chapter 5

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آنکھ پر نم - اشک زمزم- سانس مدہم- وقت ہے کم
وصال راحت- ہجر ماتم- رقیب قاتل- موت مرہم


Aykiz,s P.V.O.

I open my eyes and looked around and saw that I was laying in a familiar room. I looked at the room hoping that something will change but just my luck nothing changed.

It's been 2 days since baba,s murderer our neighbour and some of his business partners did his funeral. No one is letting me go to the police station. Every day I wake up and look at the door and hope that something will change my father will come back and tell me that everything is okay and everything will be fine but nothing happens.

I missed him every day, every minute, every second of my life I can't live my life like this what have I ever done to deserve this? I looked at the window from distance. I saw it was raining outside, baba always loves rain whenever it rains I dragged baba in it and we start playing with him in the rainTheresasa s saw 5 years old me playing with baba in the rain "Aykiz ooohohoo" I heard baba say to me while picking me up. I hugged him tightly and started to laugh. Both of us looks so peaceful and happy a smile formed on my lips after I saw that I was about to run towards him when he disappear in front of my eyes.

No no no no baba please don't leave again........!!!

I fell to my knees and started to cry again.

Zavier's P.V.O.

I was very happy doing what I did.
I killed him
I killed that bastard
I killed that man who destroyed my life
But my revenge is not over ...........yet
Because something tells me that

I'll take my revenge on his daughter.
By destroying her life.
Just like his father did to me.
I'll destroy her.
I'll hurt her.
I'll break her.
I make her life and living hell.
She'll regret that she was born.
I'll break her and make her shatter like broken pieces of mirror.

But what he doesn't know is Broken glasses sting a person by themselves.

Third person P.V.O.

She was crying and crying because of her father,s death on the other side Zaviar was very happy to see the daughter of his biggest enemy cry

Then with the tough on the door, he enters her room. She was shocked to see him there never in her life she have imagined that the person who just killed her father would be standing in front of her with all his glory and pride

Is ki itni him at ka ye mara gar ma Bhi guss aya
(Dog...!!! He was so brave that he broke into my house )

That was the first thought that came into Aykiz,s mind. but she was too scared to react at that time. He took a step toward her and she stayed still and he got closer to her.

He wipe the tears from her face and she flinched at his touch. A smirk from on his lips after seeing her reaction. She backed away a little. And his smirk only grew wider

"Ohh come on baby I don't like to see my wify cry before her wedding, "he said

"W..w..wify," she asked him in utterly confused

"Yes you heard it right my wife......or should I say my soon-to-be wife, "he said with a bit of amusement in his voice

"I'm not your wife and never will be. How dare you think that I will marry you after what you did" she shout at him

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