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جب پکارنا ہو مجھے وہ میرا نام بھول جاتا ہے
اسے عشق تو آتا ہے پر کرنا بھول جاتا ہے
اسے کہو مجھے یو مسکرا کر نہ دیکھا کرے
یہ دل پاگل ہے دھڑکنا بھول جاتا ہے


It was the call from the hospital . Zaviyar's heart forgot to beat for a second . His fear become the truth . maybe Aykiz left him .

He didn't know what do feel happy because he finally found the Creator or sad because life won again. it was so difficult for him to comprehend what is happening with him . way too many emotions hit him like a truck.

His beloved , his wife , his life died and he can do nothing about it like always and this thing was shattering his heart into million pieces once again, just like a broken mirror he broke again .

Aykiz was innocent that she she thought that she can fix his broken heart , and fill the space in it . but what she didn't know was that you have to pick the broken pieces of mirror carefully or else they can hurt you too .

And now she hurt because of those pieces , because of HIM .

Not a single tear was shed , not a single drop of water formed in his eyes . this time it was different like he knew this would happen , like he knew she'll left , like he knew that love isn't an emotion made for him .

Tho he was dying from inside but he all calm from the outside because deep down he knew this was for the betterment of his beloved , because she would've only suffered because of him if she lived.

With firm steps he starts walking towards the gate of the masque leaving this peaceful once again just for the sake of her .

He went back to his car and starts driving back to the place he came from, back to the place he called home , back where now only memories are left .

After a while later he was standing at the gate of the hospital from which he runs away thinking that if he would let her go she'll live but alas he was wrong .

With the powerful aura he enter inside and went up through the elevator towards the dead body of his wife .

It was the most difficult time for him he want to see his wife , his beloved so badly but not dead . H e wanted to see her , but at the same time he didn't have the courage .

soon the elevator stopped and he stepped out of it , this was the time he thought that only if the life was merciful then he would've died with her , but again life hate him .

He went straight to her room and without looking at the window he enters inside because he knew he won't be able to enter inside .

As soon as his eyes fell on her his heart forgot to beat , he forgot to breath just like her . he notice that now there are no more needles or drips inside her .

And then his eyes delighted with pure shock , happiness , and blissfulness because she was breathing .

Without thinking much he jumped on his bed and hugged her not caring if he is hurting her or not and he hugged her like never before , he hugged her like if he would break the hug she'll disappear .

He looked at her with pure bliss , he was happy like never before .

and then he realised that he haven't confess his love for her till now.

"It all started with your absence and desire . I fell in love with the eyes , that were peeling the skin of my heart , like the whorls of roses , not knowing how beautifully they touch my soul everytime. " Zaviyar said while looking deeply into her soul , where as Aykiz still like before.

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