chapter 36

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اسے ہم یاد آتے ہیں فقت فرست کے لمحوں میں
مگر یہ بات سچ ہے کہ اسے فرصت نہیں ملتی ۔
ہم تسلیم کرتے ہیں ہمیں فرصت نہیں ملتی
مگر جب یاد کرتے ہیں زمانے بھول جاتے ہیں

life is cruel it always snatches away the people you love the most , and in my case life is doing it again . Once again the history is repeating , and I Zaviyar Malik cannot let this happen at least not again .

Life and I we don't get along too well . I was not born heartless but life made me like this , people made me like this . After my parents have been snatched away from me. I became heartless, emotionless, and hollow, I became a monster.

Showing emotions and showing love can make you weak because when life came to know that you love someone, life takes that specific someone away from you. It did the same thing with me .

After my parents were taken away I blocked all emotions just to show life that I empower over her . after blocking my emotions I became powerful I thought that now life can't defeat, me can't make me fall on my knees and beg her for mercy . But she she did it again .

life plays a game with me a game of faith  She made me fell for my enemy , and now she is taking her , taking her like she did with his parents . and Zaviyar can do nothing about it .

He thought he was powerful , undefeatable , but life
within the flicks of finger she takes him from rise to demise . and now he is back at the point from were it he start .

He is back on his knees once again begging ,
begging for

begging for lenience

begging for mercy

the life of his beloved

life won she made him beg her , but that dose not matters what matters is, his beloved , his precious , his dearest , His Aykiz .

He was standing at the gate of hospital , he can't dare to enter inside . He don't want to witness his wife lying of the death bed .

the bullet hit her large intestine , which doctors successfully removed , but due to extreme blood lose she went to coma . the chances of her surviving is only 50% .

With dreadful steps he starts walking towards her room , he stops dead in his track just in front of the huge glass window .

He looks at her through the window , she was looking so pale all those needles inside her keeping her alive , he could she her chest moving up and down indicating she was breathing , he wanted to see her ocean eyes but they were close . in that silent room the online voice which was heard was the the beep of the heartbeat monitor .

tears start forming in his eyes looking at her in this condition .

He did this .

She is here because of him .

He is the cause of her condition .

He is her criminal .

he starts hearing those words in his mind , making him hard to breath in the same air as her .

he starts running , running away from there , somewhere where no one can find him .

He went outside the hospital , Ethan was also in the hospital because of his injured arm so he don't have to worry about leaving Aykiz just with the security.

He starts driving like crazy , he drive and drive for god knows how long and where . He starts driving when it was 2 in the afternoon and now dusk already .

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