chapter 27

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خدا کرے تو میری یاد میں خاک چھانے
خدا کرے میں تجھے خاک میں بھی نہ ملوں

It's been 40 days since Osman and Hadi died. both families are burning with the fire of revenge. Zeenat thinks that everything happens because of her, if she didn't go to college that day then her grandfather may still be alive.

Huzaifa tries to make her understand that it was not her fault but Zeenat didn't let him come near her, as she thinks that everyone she loved will die. so according to her, it's better to stay away from Huzaifa too.

but this thing isn't settling well with Huzifa, as he loves this broken soul more than anything in this whole fucking universe, and all he wanted is to repair her broken heart with overflowed love, but he did not know that soul is broken beyond rrepairiroday Huzifa was leaving for Italy for some mafia business. Zeenat doesn't want him to leave but at the same time, she thinks that it's better for him if he stays away from her . she was having mix feelings about this she was scared and at the same time she wants him to leave.

she was standing at the gate of the mansion to see him off.

"When will you be back ?" Zeenat asked Huzaifa.

"In e whole fucking week, I just don't get why the father is sending me instead of going for himself. "Huzaifa whined like a kid as he don't want to leave Zeenat behind knowing very well the hate of his father for her.

"It's okay. Taya Jan must have a reason behind staying here and sending you "

"you know what this matter is not even important, we could have solved it from here but no he just won't let me breathe until I left "

"Just leave it. by the way,  I'm going to miss you "

"Same here but whenever you miss me just remember that we are not apart from each other we will always share the same moon," HHuzaifasaid lovingly.

"There is no logic in what you've just said, technically everyone shares the same moon stupid," Zeenat said while chuckling.

"There is no logic in love dear "

"yeah whatever "

then a comfortable silence spread between them. after a while Huzaifa said.

"I have to leave Now "

"yeah I know ..... take care of yourself Huzifa " Zeenat said as a lone tear escaped her right eye.

"don't'tworry darling ill be back before you know it "

Huzaifa said while cleaning the tear from her eye . as he give her a small piece of paper and there was something written on that.

Zeenat open it and there was some address written on it. she looked up in confusion . Huzifa understands her face and said.

"Its the address of my mansion in Italy where I'm staying, so if you ever miss me you can write a letter to me "

Zeenat put that address in her pocket. while replying thanks.

"goodbye love," Huzaifa said while sitting n his car.

"bye," Zeenat mumbled lowly.

and then the engine of the car roared to life. leaving Zeenat behind.


on the other hand, Rehman Khan smirked looking at his son leaving this filthy Bitch behind. He has planned it all. He hates Zeenat from the depth of his heart. He thinks that his brother Ali Khan made a mistake by marrying that dancer. that dancer killed his brother and now her daughter Zeenat Khan did the same by killing his Father.

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