You are my weakness

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AN: Hello! Thank you for reading the first one shot,, i really hope you liked it. And if you do please vote for it so I know what kind of one shots yall prefer and I can write more.
Oh and. This one shot is based on this Gif.

Derek Pov:

It was a super tiring day at work. My boss was a stubborn and arrogant piece of shit that held me back for 3 freaking hours just because his bias ass didn't like me. I was supposed to be off at 5pm but it was 7pm and I am on the way back to my loft to get a good night sleep.

I parked my car in the driveway and heard some music coming from inside of my loft. Thinking that it was probably my hyper active spazz that I call my boyfriend keeping himself entertained by blasting music. But man was I wrong. I heard numerous heart beats and laughter coming from inside the loft. 

I opened the door and saw the whole pack, including Stiles, having a small get together or what I would call it 'a party without MY permission in MY loft'. I am quite sure the rest of the pack could sense the anger and frustration radiating of me because Scott quickly turned off the loud speaker and stared at me with worry in his eyes. The rest of the pack turned to face me as well except for Stiles who was still oblivious to my presence.

"Babe." I tried getting his attention but he was still dancing on the coffee table.

"Why does that sound like Derek?" Stiles suddenly stops and climbed off the coffee table glancing at everyone. He took a 360 degree turn and looked at everyone. When he saw me glaring at him, Stiles did a double take and I am pretty sure his eyes widened.

"O-oh heyyy babeee.." Stiles stuttered as he walked towards me trying to give me one of his comforting hugs. I almost fell for it but got a grip of myself and took a step back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked in thr calmest tone I could muster.

"I wanted to text you..But I didn't want to distract you from work." Stiles mumbles as he hung onto my arm like it was a monkey bar.

"Excuse us." I said with a stern voice towards the pack and grabbed my boyfriend by his sleeve and dragged him outside the front door.

Once we got outside I immediately gribbed Stiles' shirt tighter and pinned him against the wall beside the front door and flashed my eyes red at him showing how much frustration and rage I was feeling. "Stiles I had a long day.. Please clean up the mess in the living room before I explode." I commanded.

Stiles just smirked and gave me a small kiss on my cheek making me melt in his warm embrace. I let him down and I felt my alpha eyes go back to their normal colour, emerald. When someone asks me the colour of my eyes I would just say green. But Stiles would always insist that it isn't just green. Then he would give a whole ass specific speech about what my eye colour is. And that made me feel really warm inside.

I smiled at that thought and wrapped my arms around his waist. Stiles returned it by wrapping his arms around my neck pressing our lips together leading us into a loving and passionate kiss.

"Dammit Stiles. You just had to ruin my bad day." I chuckled as Stiles closed the gap between our faces and cuddled against me.

"I love you Der bear."

"I love you too baby."

Damn.. I always convince myself saying that I have no weaknesses and only strengths. But after knowing Stiles... I now know that he gives me strength but at the same time. He is my weakness

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