I almost DIED

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Stiles Pov:

Do you know the feeling of butterflies in your stomach whenever you are in the presence of a special someone? Well, I get those fluttery feelings when I am around a certain leader jacket, brooding Sourwolf. But of course, he does not know ANYTHING about my feelings towards him. If he ever found out, my throat would get ripped out by his teeth and I am only 18 years old so that ain't gonna happen.

I am currently on my bed staring up at the ceiling waiting for chirstmas. HAH im just kidding. Im waiting for time to pass when my phone BEEPed.

From Sourwolfie :

To Sourwolfie :
Waddup Der?

From Sourwolfie :
Did you just give me a nickname?

From Sourwolfie :
Nevermind do not answer that.

To Sourwolfie :

To Sourwolfie:
Whats up tho? y did you text me?

To Sourwolfie:
Is there another supernatural creature attacking BH? (o.o)

To Sourwolfie:
Time to get my batt ;>

From Sourwolfie:
Nono, nothing like that Stiles.
I was just wondering if you'd like to meet me at the forest near my house.
I need to talk to you.

To Sourwolfie:
Wow this seems legit. You never text more than 5 words. 🤧

From Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:
You literally just proved my point.

From Sourwolfie:
Just shut up.
You aren't even here physically yet you still manage to annoy me :/

To Sourwolfie:
Did the broody Hale really just use an emoji 😱
This is a dream come true.
Imma screenshot this rn.

*Sourwolfie deleted a message*

To Sourwolfie:
You are a mean one Mr Hale.

From Sourwolfie:
Just meet me at the forest in 10 alright?

To Sourwolfie:
Sir yes sir!

(at the forest)

I drove my jeep to the forest and parked my car beside the sign that says "private property" Which! i am 100 percent sure Derek painted it himself. I started walking into the forest and leaned onto one of the tress.

To Sourwolfie:
Im here. Wru

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:
Wolfieeeee oh wooooolllfieeeeeee

To Sourwolfie:
i will not hesitate to spam u mr.

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:
Those are important letters yk?

To Sourwolfie:

To Sourwolfie:
uk what imma just spam yo-

Before I could finish typing, I felt a strange sensation to my left and when I turned around, I saw the Derek Hale standing close to me with our faces inches apart. I let out a VERY manly scream as I stumbled backwards.

"Gosh Der, we need to get you a fracking bell"

Derek just shrugged and started walking. "Hey wait up!"

"Put those long legs to good use Stiles" Derek replied. I huffed and picked up my pace. I dramatically passed Derek while sticking out mt tongue and putting my hand in a 'L' position. "You are a child Sti" Derek chuckled.

I dramatically rolled my eyes and titled my head upwards marching forward. Little did I know there was a root sticking out of a tree and in front of it, was a huge ass rock. "Stiles-" Derek tried warning me but it was too late. I tripped on the root and was waiting for the impact but nothing came. However, I did feel a hand on my forehead slowly lifting me up to a rock-solid chest.

"Stiles? You alright?" Derek asked, his face inches away from mine.

I snapped back to reality and started failing my arms. I fell forward and hit my knee and the area near my foot on the rock. Jeez..so much for Derek saving me.

I groaned in pain as my wound slowly started to become more red by the second. "Come on you big baby. Lets get you home" Derek lifted me up bridal style and carried me. While walking, i leant my head onto his chest and for some reason..i felt..like home. The same feeling I had when my mum was still with me.


"Ouchhh Derek! That hurts!" I smacked his chest as Derek started applying some medication.

"Dont over react Stiles."


"Oh boo hoo Stiles." Derek sassed back.

He slowly took out a bandage and lifted my leg up with his left hand, wrapping the bandage with his right.

"Stop laughing! I almsot DIED!" Derek just chuckled somemore and I had to admit, it was a beautiful sight.

Suddenly, our eyes met. Derek cautiously let go of my leg and started to sit up.

"Stiles...i-" I cut him off by smashing our lips together for a hungry and passionate kiss. Our lips moved in sync as Derek's hands found its way to my thighs, squeezing them.

Welp, maybe me dying was worth it after all

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