Sterek Poem (BONUS)

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3rd person Pov:

A boy was laying on his bed on a dark and gloomy night without much concern of any sudden fright.

He was deep in thought about a certain man that he likes to dream about everytime he can.

Little did he know, a pair of red glowing eyes was watching him. admiring his head to toe, his mole dotted skin.

Stiles felt lonely without a certain werewolf's company...

Derek was a man that always stood out from the crowd, maybe it was because of his muscles or the way he stares and nobody knows for sure why he was such a monster then.

But Stiles knew..Stiles felt that they had a connection after they met. It was like an unspeakable spark between both of them.

But neither one wanted to admit their feelings. Their depression slowly wheeling.

Stiles was Derek's mate and he had to tell him before it was too late.

Thats how Derek ended up outside Stiles window at midnight, watching his love toss and turn. Waiting for the time that was right.

"I love you" That three words and eight letters was an obstacle. Even uttering those words was impossible.

But he knew better, sooner or later, he had give Stiles that letter.

Derek sighed as he slowly climbed into his mate's room after many hesitations.

"Hey Stiles" Derek said softly considering the situation.

Derek placed the paper on Stiles' desk and climbed into the bed, embracing Stiles with all that he had.

"Derek?" Stiles mumbled sleepily.

"Yes love?" Derek nuzzled deeper into Stiles neck. He handed Stiles the piece of paper and slowly breathed in his mate's scent to calm him down as he heard the paper being unfolded

"Really?" Stiles suddenly said sounding amused.

"hmm" Derek hummed in agreement.

"I love you too Sourwolf"

Derek smiled and connected his lips to Stiles'

AN: I hope you like this chapter :)
hehe......i hope the poem is good?????? btw im a literature student so yeah. I just wanted to try my poem writing skills

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