Derek Pov:
"So Derek, have you gotten attached to anyone lately?" My father asked as we ate dinner at my parent's house. There it goes. The question that has been on their minds since I turned 20. Everytime I'd stepped foot into this house or if they visit me this question always gets asked. It is getting rather annoying to here it all the time. I am currently 25 but happy and single. But I do have a best friend which I met when we were 7. Since then, we became best friends. I am even meeting him later for coffee and we are going to watch a movie afterwards.
"Derek Hale. Answer your father!" My mother commanded snapping her fingers at me making me drift back to reality.
"Actually father... I do." I replied in a calm tone. Wait..what? Why did I say that! I don't have a boyfriend nor am I talking to anyone. Oh god. This is going to be bad. I do have a crush though.. But he will never like me back, he will never date me too. He is just way out of my league.
"Great. Bring him over tomorrow for dinner with us. I'll be looking forward to meet him." Dad said as we finished off our breakfast.
Yep..I am dead. How am I gonna find a fake boyfriend.
(2 hours later)
I left my parents house and headed into my black camero to pick my best friend, Stiles up. He is the childhood friend that I was talking about. Stiles is an awesome person with cute features such as his bambi eyes, button nose and cute kissable pink lips. I fell in love with him when I first saw him at the playground as he played on the swing.
I pulled up into Stiles' driveway and got out of my car. I walked up to his front door and knocked on it. After a few seconds of knocking, Stiles opens the door and lets me in. "I am almost done. Wait for a sec." I just nodded my head and sat down on the living room couch.
"Yo Der. Lets go!" Stiles shouted from his room and came down the stairs in a white v neck, black jeans and my leather jacket that I lent to him a few days ago. (AN: Stiles is wearing what is in the picture..kind of)
We got into my camero and drove off to Starbucks. I parked my car in the shopping mall parking lot and got out. Stiles and I sat found 2 empty seats at starbucks after we placed our orders and sat down.
"So uhh Sti.. I may need a littke favor from you" I requested while taking Stiles' hands in mine so that he would focus on what I am about to say.
"C-Can you be my fake boyfriend and meet my parents?" I mumbled but I am sure Stiles heard me.
"Yeah sure." Stiles replied in a calm tone.
"Really?" I asked in disbelief
"Yeah, when are we meeting your parents?"
"Tomorrow for dinner. I'll be at your house around 5pm to pick you up. Thank you so much Sti." I replied greatfully. Stiles just laughed. "Thats what friends are for. We help one another." He smiled. And I gotta admit, his smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. While excluding his face. To be completely honest Stiles is my ideal type and I wouldn't mind dating him. I mean, who wouldn't love Stiles. He is perfect.
[The next day, 5pm]
I pull up to Stiles' house and see him in a really nice suit that fitted his body perfectly. He looked amazing, I wanted to do him right there and then but of course I couldn't. I got out of my camero and opened the passanger door for Stiles so he could get in.
"Your majesty." I teased as Stiles chuckled and patted my head.
"Thank you kind sir." He laughed as I returned it.
"Thank you again.. for doing this." I smiled as I placed my hand on top of his. Honestly, this was something we did pretty often but we both pretend its a normal thing which best friends do. But both of us are aware that it wasn't.
Stiles gave me a smile. I seriously felt like my whole world just brighten up. I had butterflies in my stomach as I pulled into my parent's driveway.
"Der relax.. It'll be fine." Stiles gave me a reassuring smile. I intertwined our fingers together and walked towards the front door knocking several times. My dad opened the door and brought me into a hug. My mother appeared behind him and welcomed Stiles and I into the house.
"Der, is this lil munchkin your boyfriend you've been telling us about?" Mum asked as she brought Stiles into one of her suffocating hugs. I nodded my head and smirked giving Stiles a wink when I saw his helpless face when my mum squeezed him.
All of us sat down on the table and started eating. Mum and Dad were asking Stiles questions as well as trying to get to know him better. I am actually quite surprised that they didn't recognize him. Because we played together on the field everyday when I was a child and my parents occasionally saw Stiles' with me.
Stiles and I kissed a few times just to prove to my sisters that we were 'really' dating and that it isn't some kind of act. Kissing Stiles was the best feeling ever. It was like his lips were made for mine. It was like a perfect match made in heaven. How our tounge smoothly tangled with one another.. its like kissing was one of the things we do on a daily basis.. It was just so natural and it felt so right.
After dinner and a long series of embarrassing and awkward questions, it was finally time to go home. On the way back, I caught Stiles sighing and always looking out the window.
"Sti? Whats wrong?" I questioned pulling his shoulder so that he was facing me.
"Nothing.. Just.." He sighs again
"Just what?"
"I just wish something was different.." Stiles mumbled
"What do you mean?"
"I didn't like being your fake boyfriend." Stiles said in a stern voice which kind of scared me. I rarely hear him speaking to someone with that kind of tone.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.." I apologised looking back on the road. " I will make it up to you. I promise."
"Its not that Der.. I didn't want to be your fake boyfriend because.." Stiles mumbled some words that I didn't quite catch.
" Because I love you Derek Hale! I want to be your real boyfriend. Not a damn fake one!" Stiles hands immediately covered his mouth. I quickly pulled over and reached my hands to touch Stiles cheeks. " I love you too Sti. I always have. Since we were kids."
I smashed our lips together kissing him with all that I got. The kiss was filled with love, lust and passion for one another.
The simple kiss turned into a full blown make out session on the back seats of my camero.. and lets just say I had to wash my seats the next day.

Sterek One Shots
FanfictionHELLO! i am a huge sterek shipper like literally, they are my life 🥲🥰 so yes! these are just some Sterek one shots. Warning: There is Smutt (I'll label them)