Did it hurt?

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Stiles Pov:

It was another normal friday evening. The pack was over at Derek's loft to go over the plan one last time before we execute it. And Derek being the broody mean alpha that he is decided to exclude me from the whole operation eventhough I am literally in the FBI.  But to sourwolf, I am still a human that can easily get hurt which was true but I can still defend myself!

"No Stiles for the last time. My answer is No! and thats final" Derek pinched the bridge of his nose trying to not rip my throat out with his teeth. Honestly, I love teasing Derek likes this. Making him angry. Ever since we met in the woods when Scott and I were looking for his inhaler, Derek and I already started bickering and hating one another.


"What are you kids doing here? This is private property." A low voice growled out of nowhere. I let go of the stick that I was using to tease Scott because his dumbass didn't believe he was a god damn werewolf EVENTHOUGH I literally did like 2 days of research to prove it.

A handsome man wearing black jeans, a dark blue v neck and a leather jacket appeared out of nowhere and started walking towards us.

"Oh sorry man we didn't know." I replied my cheeks turning pink as I can feel the gaze of the super hot man infront of me. But.. Hr looked kinda familiar. wait.. is he? No.. thats not possible. I thought the Derek Hale was super rich and living in a bungalow not in a crappy and burnt down house in the middle of the woods. That was when it hit me. That house was the house that the huge fire was set of. That was the Hale fire. Derek's family burnt to death leaving on Derek, his sister Cora and his paralyzed uncle, Peter. 

"Yeah. I was just looking for my inh-" Before Scott could finish, his inhaler was tossed towards him and he caught it.

"Go home kids." Derek growled as I continued our stared down.

"Hey! For your infomation old man. We are 18. So if you would be so kind and addressed us by our names it would be much appreciated. " I sassed back.

Derek rose his eyebrow and took his hands out of his pockets. " Well idiot if you must know, I didn't get your names."

"Scott. And this is Stiles. My best friend." Scott answered cleary trembling.

"Derek. Scott. You are a werewolf by the way. That frail looking kid beside you is right." With that, Derek just turned around and walked away.

End of flashback.

"pleaseee pleaseee pleasee " I pouted still not giving up.

"Stiles. No. You are staying in the jeep! what part of 'no' do you not understand"

"Fine old man. But don't blame me if I run out of it with my baseball bat and join yall."

Derek sighed showing that he gave up on our conversation and continued going through the plan.

2 hours later

"Stop whining. I already told you to stay in your jeep. But did you listen? NOOOO you just had to jump in between me and the siren head didn't you." Derek rolled his eyes as he poured more of the anti bacteria thingy on the cotton ball. After brutally rubbing it against my skin, he took some medicine and applied it to my wound which was a huge cut in the middle of my chest.

"I was trying the save you! And I don't even get a thank you in return. " I huffed instinctively folding my arms and hissing in pain when I touched my wound.

"I can heal Stiles. But you can't. It will take very long for you to heal!" Derek raised his voice making me flinch.

"I don't know what the big deal is. The last time I checked. You. Hated. Me." I poked is chest.

" No. I. Dont." He poked my forehead making me glare at him. Derek chuckled and got up, putting away the first aid kit.

"Did it hurt?" I asked getting up from the chair.

"What?" Derek turned around so that he was facing me.

I confidently walked up to Derek trying to endure the pain. I finally reached him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as his arms snaked around my waist pulling me closer. I pressed my lips against his and let out a moan of satisfaction. The kiss wasn't as I imagined. It was better. I imagined kissing Derek in my dreams soo many times. I thought it was going to be rough and sloppy but the kiss was gentle and full of love and passion. It was like our mouths were made perfectly for one another. I heard Derek whisper "Mate" in my ear as he re connected our lips.

"Did it hurt?" I asked again. Derek rose his eyebrows in confusion. Derek then made an 'O' shape with his mouth. "Lemme guess..When I fell from heaven?" I shook my head smirking.

"When you fell for me."

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