AN: This one shot is basically the summery of Stiles' and Derek's whole life. From when they met till when they confess their love for one another.
Derek Pov:
I was on one of my casual daily runs in the forest when I caught a sniff of an intoxicating scent coming from the entrance. I quickened up my pace and started running towards the scent's direction.
The scent slowly got stronger and stronger as my pace quickens. I stopped and hid behind a tree and spotted 2 teenage boys. One tanner than the other. The tan one had a crooked jaw, boy band hair and I could smell that he was a werewolf. But the scent did not come from him, it was the boy beside him. He was pale with moles dotted all around his body. He was wearing a jacket over a shirt which had a target on it. I honestly found his style kinda cute. Not only that, he had an adorable buzzed cut hair and big doe eyes.
"I remembered dropping it somewhere. I swear!" The tanned boy finally spoked up after the rambling the pale one did.
"Well its obviously not here, can I go home now?" The pale boy complained.
Oh, that inhaler i found just now belonged to him.. I thought.
I sighed and walked out of my hiding spot. "What are you kids doing here? This is private property"
"Oh sorry man we didn't know." The doe eye boy replied not before looking at me up and down.
"Yeah I was trying to find my inhal-" The tanned boy tried saying but I cut him off by tossing the inhaler to him.
"Who are you anyways?" I asked looking at the mole dotted teen as he kicked away some leaves on the ground
"oh uh. I am Stiles Stilinski. Sherrif's kid yeah i know. A dad that is the sherif of the town, woo big deal but eh not really. You don't have to treat me different just cuz im the sheriff's kid. Oh and you may be wondering. What kind of name is Stiles. Well i am like half polish ish? so my real name is actually really hard to say and let along spell so I just go by Stiles. Its like a nickname but not really." Stiles took in a breath and continued. " oh and this is my best friend, Scott."
I tried not to chuckle at the cute boy's well, apparently Stiles' rambling and gave them a firm nod.
"Im D-"
"Derek Hale. Yeah i know. Ive seen you through my dad's case files. I am sorry about the house fire and your family." Stiles looked at me with guilt in his eyes and started walking towards me giving me a firm side hug.
I just nodded turned around walking the other direction.
19 weeks later
Stiles Pov:
To Sourwolf ♡:
Ya free today?From Sourwolf ♡:
Hi Sti. Yes i am free today. whats up?To Sourwolf ♡:
wna hang?From Sourwolf ♡:
I'll only 'hang' with you when you start spelling correctly.To Sourwolf ♡:
Dood. Its just short forms of words. Chill out.To Sourwolf ♡:
Anyways, meet me at your loft? I wanna netflix and chill with my fav sourwolf in the world ;)From Sourwolf ♡:
Yeah sure.To Sourwolf ♡:
Aite! be there in 10.10 minutes later
"DER BEAR! YOUR FAVORITE PERSON HAS ARRIVED!" I screamed as I placed down the snacks that I've picked up along the way and took off my well technically Derek's stolen leather jacket.
Since the inhaler incident, Derek and I started spending time together. Sometimes at his house sometimes at mine or any random place that was a suitable bonding spot. Derek and I would usually talk and just chill or seat in comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company. And I won't deny it, Derek is super hot. Like greek god body type hot. And I may or may not am developing a small little tiny crush on him. But I doubt those feelings will be returned so I never EVER want to say anything about it.
Derek walked down his stairs wearing a grey tank top that was alittle tight for his bulging muscles giving me a special view of his toned abs. He was wearing loose sweatpants which looked like it was going to drop anytime. And I sure hope it would.
2 years later
Derek and I were currently walking home from spending a whole day at a carnival.
"I had fun" I smiled turning around to loom at Derek's extremely handsome face.
"Me too" He smiled back.
We stayed like that looking at each other's faces until Derek started leaning towards me. He backed me up onto a wall and smashed his lips against mine. If you know Derek, you would assume his kisses are hard and rough. But it was the opposite. His lips were so warm and soft. I could feel all the love and passion coming from it. His hands wrapped around my ass and squeezed it making me let out a moan. Derek took that opportunity to slip his tongue into mine and started exploring my mouth.
"Jump" He whispered against my lips and I obliged. Derek caught me and started carrying me up the stairs.
"I love you" He whispered before throwing me onto the bed and swiftly taking off his shirt.
"God I love you too Der." I replied trying ti unbutton my jeans.
I guess this was all out of my control ;)

Sterek One Shots
FanfictionHELLO! i am a huge sterek shipper like literally, they are my life 🥲🥰 so yes! these are just some Sterek one shots. Warning: There is Smutt (I'll label them)