She's good, but i'm better

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AN: The picture has nothing to do with the story :D
I am gonna have school soon :( i only have a few more days left before i return to hell *crys*
oh well. thats why i am tryna update as much as possible but my nut sized brain aint cooperating!!!!
Gimme some AU/ stort requests :D
Anyways enough with this chit chat.
lets get it!
Enjoy loves 😘😘😘

Derek Pov:

Do you know the feeling or hopelessly crushing on someone that is already in a relationship and whenever you look at them with their girlfriend or boyfriend your heart just shatters? Well, this is what I have to put up with since the beginning of my senior year.

My name is Derek Hale and as mentioned I am currently in my senior year of high school. I am what you might call a jock which is stereotypically known for their rudeness or just being a dick to everyone. But I promise that I am not one of them..well to certain people. I have a small friend group and in that clique, I have a crush on Stiles, the smartest boy in class who always scores straight As and is the teacher's pet. He is usually really clumsy which contradicts with how sassy and smaet he is but thats one of the traits that I love about him. Unfortunately, he is dating a girl named Malia which is also my cousin. 

So everyday no matter if its in school or at home, I have to see Stiles' adorable face WHICH! i definitely do not mind but usually, his face is accompanied by Maila's and that's when the small boiling rage of jealousy sweeps in. Since Stiles and I are in the same friend group, we also hang out a lot however most of our alone time gets interrupted by either Malia or Issac as they'd both want to join in like right now.

Currently Stiles is over at my house playing video games when his phone rings.


I nudged Stiles' side signaling for him to hang up as he had just put his controller down and his character was getting killed.

"Oh umm, lemme ask him" Stiles talked to the other person on the phone then turned to me. "Hey, is it ok for Malia to join us? She nagging about how she is lonely and misses me" Stiles laughed.

My smile immediately turned into a frown shaking my head. Stiles then shrugged and told Malia that he will go over to her house later on to hang out.   

"Alright back to the game" Stiles smirked taking his controller back and started aggressively playing.

"Hah! you're going down Stilinski"

"We will see about that Hale." Stiles challenged back

I smirked as I looked at Stiles' honey brown eyes. That's when I noticed him trying to scoot closer to me. I chuckled and moved closer to him making our thighs touch. I saw a blush creep up to his face and thats when he turned over to look at me.

"Umm Der?"

"hmm?" I hummed in response too busy admiring his mole dotted face and his adorable bambi eyes

"You might wanna re-set because dead" 

I turned to the television gaping as Stiles patted my back and walked off to the kitchen laughing.

"You- I-" I was unable to form any sentences. Speechless.

"What? Its not my fault you were to busy admiring me that you didn't realise shit." Stiles replied from the kitchen.

"Stilinski! Get your ass back here! I demand a rematch" I shouted from my room.

"Sir yes Sir. Get ready to get trashed again" Stiles snarked back.

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