HELLO! i am a huge sterek shipper like literally, they are my life 🥲🥰
so yes! these are just some Sterek one shots.
Warning: There is Smutt (I'll label them)
To : My wolfie <3 Hey Der bear, Meet me at my house after you are done with your daily werewolf training shit.
To: My wolfie <3 I got a surprise for you ;)
From: My wolfie <3 Ok.
To: My wolfie <3 Dude. I literally typed so much MENTIONING THAT I HAVE A SURPISE and all you have to say is an OK?
To: My wolfie <3 Where is my I love you? or oh idk mayb THNKU?
From: My wolfie <3 I will reply that WHEN you start correcting your grammer.
To: My wolfie <3 This is literally how i text EVERYD get ovr it
From: My wolfie <3 Ok.
To: My wolfie <3 YOU LIL SHIT
Changed "My wolfie <3" to "Mean grumpy pants :( "
From: Mean grumpy pants :( Love you too Sti.
To: Mean grumpy pants :( Thats better.
To: My Baby Get ready to die Stilinski
From: My Baby oh hey Der. Whats wrong?
To: My Baby You are so dead.
From: My baby Oh no..okok time to panic and bury myself 100 feet down under the grnd...wait nahhh why would i do that. you wont kill your one and only love righhhttttt? :>
From: My Baby I wuv you?...♡♡
To: My Baby Oh I don't know Stiles, maybe cause you posted this on your twitter acc when I specifically told you not to share it ANYWHERE?
To: My Baby i love you too..
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From: My Baby Oh..didn't expect u to find tat but-
From: My Baby I mean, in my defence, u look soooo adorable with the fake fangs *tho you have real ones* during halloween.
From: My Baby I couldn't not show it to the world. I want everyone to know how hunky my greek god of a boyfriend is!
To: My Baby Argh fine. But you will pay for this. You are well deserving of a severe punishment.
From: My Baby ;)
To: My Baby You horny piece of ass
From: My Baby Pardon me. I think you mean ur horny piece of ass that you wld clearly like to fk.