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AN: This is a one shot based on this song I.F.L.Y :)
Enjoy 😳❣

Derek Pov:

I was walking down the hall of Beacon Hills high school sending winks and smirks all around the room to everyone that made eye contact with me. You must be thinking a play boy like me that can get any girl or guy I want has no feelings. Well.. You are wrong. I do have feelings just to one person. And his name is Stiles Stilinski. My Stiles Stilinski.

Though I wink and smirk at many people on the school, everyone knows that I am openly and proudly gay. And that I also have a smart and loving boyfriend that I was forever be loyal to.

"Hey baby" I smiled when I saw Stiles turn around with his mouth slightly hanging open. He looked so adorable with his beanie and glasses I couldn't help myself but wrapped my arms around his waist and placing a kiss on his lips when he stood up.

 He looked so adorable with his beanie and glasses I couldn't help myself but wrapped my arms around his waist and placing a kiss on his lips when he stood up

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"Hey Der. I am just finishing off just gimme a min" Stiles replied giving me a small smile before turning back and typing on his computer.

"Alright. But don't be late alright? I want you there at my game tonight."

"Yeah I know Der bear. Trust me I will never miss your game even if I was running from a wild racoon trying to steal my ice cream." Stiles laughed.

I let out a chuckled and leaned in between Stiles' face and his computer breaking his focus. Stiles turned his chair around as I leaned it giving him a loving kiss on the lips before leaning our foreheads together.

"I love you"

"I love you too Der." He smiled waving to me as I walked out of the door.

3 hour later

Stiles Pov:

I found a seat at the front row which was also well known as the 'girlfriend' section while waiting for Derek's basketball game to start. It is nearing the end ofOctober and its been getting colder these days. Well, unfortunately for me, I forgot to bring my jacket nor did I wear a hoodie. I only had my red shirt and black skinny jeans paired with my usual blue beanie on my head. After a few seconds of waiting, I saw Derek walking up to me with his famous leather jacket in his hand.

"Hey babe" Derek leaned in and kissed my temple while handing me his jacket "Here, wear this. I don't want you catching a cold" He smiled showing off his adorable bunny teeth before running towards and field when coach blew the whistle.

The game started and Derek's teammate which was Issac started dribbling the ball when he was blocked with 2 other opponents he swiftly passed it to Scott Mcall, my best friend and he started dribbling the ball for a few seconds getting chased by many opponents. Scott passed the ball to Derek and he jumped up in the air to successfully catch the ball before anyone else would and started dribbling while dogging the numerous attacks of the opponents. Derek managed to dribble until the 3 pointer mark and tried to shoot. IT GOT IN!

"THATS MY BABY!" I cheered holding up the banner that had Derek's name hand painted by yours truly. Derek must have saw or heard me as he sent a wink and blew a kiss to my direction as I saw some girls in the back row dramatically 'faint'.The game continued, the team kept scoring more points.

When it was the last 30 seconds Derek had the ball and solo dribbled it to half court. Everyone was intensely watching as Derek made a small jump and shot the ball into the hoop. Everyone roared with cheers. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU" I screamed as Derek was lifted up by his teammates and everyone was chanting his name.

"Thats my baby" I whispered as Derek and I were in each others arm embracing one another

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