35 Is This The End Or The Beginning?

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No One's POV
It's been around two months since the Deamos were turned into girls but like before with Evelyn's magical mishaps, the magical energy dispelled itself after around 24 hours. Throughout those months Evelyn, Ava, the Deamos and the others like Chris, Harry and Annie, spent that time hanging around the girl's apartment, the park or the mall, just enjoying their time together without a care in the world, with the Deamos still learning about Earth and its culture,

Now it was the first week of winter (i.e. December) and with that came the first snow, meaning one more thing for the Deamos to learn, which was fun. Evelyn was now sitting by the windows looking out of said window with Mirage sitting next to her and Nyx curled up in her lap,

"*Sigh*I love watching the snowfall" Evelyn said, she smiled as she leant her head on the window,

One of Deamos walked out of their magical wall room around this time, it was Leif who saw the young mage sitting by the window , just staring out of said window with two spirits by her,

"What are you doing Eve?" Leif asked confused,

"Oh just watching the snow fall" Evelyn answered still looking out the window, gently petting Nyx,

"Why are you doing that?" Leif asked again,

"Because I find it relaxing to do so, plus winter is my favourite time of the year" Evelyn replied finally looking up from the window to look at Leif and she sees Noi walking out of their magical wall room,

"Oh hi Noi" Evelyn added, waving over to the youngest Deamos,

"Hi Eevee" Noi replied smiling, he walked over to his sister figure and fellow Deamos before he sat down next to Evelyn,

"Why are you watching snow falls, Eevee?" Noi asked tilling his side to the side,

"It's relaxing for me, plus it's a quiet day so why not sit by the window and watch the world" Evelyn replied, around this time Nyx uncurled herself from Evelyn's side and walked over to her master Noi, Noi picked up the young spirit before he placed her in his lap,

"Oh ok Eevee" Noi said as he started to pet Nyx while Evelyn started petting Mirage,

"You guys can stay with me if you want" Evelyn said looking back over to the window and staring calmly outside with a small smile on her face, both Deamos looked at each other for a brief moment before they both settled down next to or near Evelyn, both of them stared out one of the many windows along with Evelyn,


After many hours of them staring out the window, it has become close to sunset and during this time the three were having small talk and just relaxing, during this time the other Deamos decided to join Evelyn, Leif and Noi by the window, Ava even joined them tho she sat on the arm chair. Everyone was either sitting on the floor, the couch/ arm chair or just standing by the window, they all just enjoying each other's presence and company,

"This is nice" Ava said, staring out of the window with Johnny sitting on her lap,

"Yeah it is, we never would have experience this level of peace if we've would have never meet you two" Asch said looking out of the same window,

"I'm glad we could help" Ava replied smiling softly,

"Yeah we're happy we could help you guys" Evelyn added with the same smile as her roommate and best friend,

"And we're happy we meet you" Noi said,

"Hehe, well either way I'm glad all that blood magic ritual bs that your now dead father was doing and all won't ever be continued" Evelyn said giving Mirage a small scratch behind her ear, causing her to moew,

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