29 The Truth About Daemos

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No One's POV

It's been five days since Noi and Pierce were turned into kids and one week since Evelyn and Ava took the Deamos to the Fall Festival. Evelyn was sitting in her room playing on her computer with a small bag next to her, Ava was in her room thinking while the Deamos were sitting in the living room watching TV on the old school television Mrs. Oats had given them,

Ava walked out of her room and saw that the Deamos were watching the anime 'My Hero Academia', she walked over to the TV and hit the top of the box turning the TV off,

"Ahhh" all five guys screamed which made Evelyn pause her game and walk out of her room to see what was going on,

"Where did you come from, prisoner?" Asch asked Ava,

"Ahh she looks mad" Noi said,

"What happened?" Rhys asked,

"Ava a-are you mad?" Pierce asked her,

"What the hell is going on here?" Evelyn asked walking over to the couch,

"Is this about the trash, we thought it was your day to take it out" Noi said,

"We did agree on that" Asch said,

"Hey happened to the TV?" Leif asked,

"We need to talk" Ava said dead serious,

"Oh no that's what Courtney said to Ryan before she broke up with him after solving the murder" Lief said confusing Evelyn slightly,

"Wait what?" Evelyn asked confused,

"Wait you watched that episode without me" Asch asked but Leif didn't want to answer,

"I don't really care about your TV shows at this point, it's obvious you guys are getting super addicted to TV but that's besides the point, we need to talk about what happened this past weekend" Ava said and Evelyn had walked over to where Ava was,

"Yeah there is a few thing we need to talk about" Evelyn added,

"We went to the carnival" Pierce said,

"It was pretty fun" Leif added,

"What are you two talking about?" Asch asked the two girls standing in front of them,

"Rhys you know what I'm talking about" Ava said looking directly at Rhys,

"Umm... uhh no idea" Rhys said clearly nervous,

"No we need to talk about it, you were using your magic Rhys specifically when I'd trusted you not to" Ava said ,

"Um... yes but I had a good reason to" Rhys said but both girls didn't looked pleased at the reply that Rhys gave,

"Look, I don't care about the reason you had from using your magic but you were blatantly using magic in front of others and do you know what the repercussions of doing that is?" Ava asked,

"Rhys I don't even uses my magic in public" Evelyn added,

"Why does it matter humans have magic, you use it all the time in front of us" Asch said,

"I have to agree with Asch, human magic isn't as flashy as Deamos magic but it has power in it's own" Leif said,

"It's truly not worth you getting upset over" Asch said,

"I HAVE TO GET UPSET OVER IT!!!" Ava exclaimed, everyone was shocked into silence as tears started to well up in Ava's eyes,

"They take you guys away from me if they found out" Ava yelled as a few tears fell down her face,

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