12 Hanging Out With Noi

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Evelyn's POV

I was sitting in my closet on the floor crossed-legged in front of my floor length mirror with my family spell book in front of me opened to page 394, it was a spell allowing the user to give themself or someone else animal ears in place of their normal ears, eyes and the tail of said animal. I've been trying to get this spell right for a while now, everytime I get close on getting it right something goes wrong or someone interrupts me but not this time,

"Okay this time I've got it" I said to myself reading over the spell's instructions one more time before closing my eyes and started say the words needed for the spell,

"E sursum et deorsum; donum permittere Fauna visus et auditus, mutata forma, sed non animus, audiente me contemnere lupi" I spoke quietly and waited,

(Translated from English to Latin meaning: Those from up above and down below, allow me the gift of fauna sight and hearing, change my form but not my mind, give me the hearing and slight of the wolf.),

After about a minute I felt something happen, my left ear started to itch as well as my lower back, I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was two periwinkle coloured wolf ears on top of my head and a fluffy periwinkle and pale purple wolf like tail sticking out from behind me, I slowly moved my hands up to touch the fluffy looking new ears and as soon as my hand touched them I jumped slightly,

"Oh my god, they're real... it worked, the spell actually work" I said quietly before going silent for a few seconds before I started to squeal and shout,

"IT WORK, IT WORK, IT FINALLY WORK HELL YES!!!" I shouted jumping up from my sitting position and started to jump around in a circles, I couldn't stop smiling as I saw my 'new' tail start to wag in the mirror and my smile only grown wider,

"I CAN REALLY FEEL THEM, THEY'RE REAL, THEY'RE REALLY REAL!!!" I shouted twirling around so I could see my tail better, I saw my tail was sitting just above the waistband of my skirt and under my funnel shirt before I started giggling as I skipped out of my closet and out my room into the main room still smiling like an idiot,hum and then sing a random song as I went,

I started to dance to song in head when I heard someone gasp, I turned around to see Noi staring at me just standing by the wall portal, still in his human clothes minus his hatI heard a faint faint ,

"Oh hi Noi hehe" I said giggling and waving,

"Umm Eve... you umm..." Noi said looking at my 'new' ears and tail,

"Oh you mean my ears and tails? I asked pointing to my fluffy ears,

"Umm.. yes?" he said tho it sounded a little more like a question,

"Hehe I wanted to try a spell that gives the user or someone of the user's choice animal ears and if possible a tail, like my new ears are wolf ears along with a wolf's tail, I've been having trouble with this spell for awhile but today I finally got it right" I said smiling and my tail started to wag,

"Oh that's cool" Noi said, when I thought popped into my head,

"Oh hey Noi I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me?" I asked,

"Hang out???" Noi asked confused,

"Yeah just the two of us, not as a date but just as friends, I can show you some Earth things if you what?" I said offering my hand, he just nodded before I grabbed his hand and basically dragged him back into my room,

Once we were in my room I saw that Mirage was sitting on my bed just staring at us, I paid no mind to it and told Noi to sit on my bed while I went to get my spell book, which he did. As soon as I grabbed my book I walked but out to see Mirage staring at Noi and Noi just standing by the bed looking at little uncomfortable,

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