14 Spa Day With The Guys

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No One's POV

It was about 4:30pm in the afternoon after Evelyn's younger brother and his girlfriend have left, Evelyn was sitting in her room continuing to read her fantasy book 'The Impossible Quest: Escape From Wolfhaven Castle' while listen to some music on her playlist, she was wearing her lilac long sleeved crop top with a white lace trim on the bottom, black under shirt, denim skirt with my black belt, black leggings, a pair of dark blue converse and her lilac choker with a pearly heart charm. She was roughly at chapter 12 'The Boat With Owl Eyes' when she heard and felt a rustling coming from her left and to her surprise (Not) it was Mirage, she paused her music before she turned to face the space themed spirit,

"Oh hi Mirage, what are you doing here?" Eveyln said/ asked the spirit, Mirage just meowed at her happily before she walked over to Evelyn,

"Hehe, you really like spending time with me don't you?" Evelyn said gently petting her head while smiling sweetly at her, when the human heard her roommate's door open,

Evelyn placed her bookmark in between the pages so she could pick and continue reading it later before she stood up and walked over to her opened bedroom door to see Ava walking over to the Daemos' magical portal hold her giant pencil,

"Hey Ava... what are you doing?" Evelyn asked a little confused, Ava stopped walking and turned to face her roommate,

"We have a giant otherworldly portal to another room in our apartment and I haven't explored it, time for us to take control" she said before turning back around and continued to walk to the portal,

"Oh hold up girl, if your going into their room I'm coming with you because you'll never know what they'll do" Evlyn said before going back into her room and grabbed a baseball bat she had sitting in her closet before she walked over to her roommate's sides, before long the two humans had entered the Daemos' magical portal room thing. Ava was holding her giant pencil in a defensive position while Evelyn had her bat sitting on her right shoulder gripping it tightly before Evelyn stopped and put her left arm in front of Ava, stopping her from continuing to walk forward,

"Hold up, I'm gonna send Holo Eve out to scout up a head, that way if the guys are heading our way we'll know" Evelyn said before she sent out her holographic version of myself,

"Scout the area and relay any info you can and send me a signal if the guys are on their way over to our location, got it?" Evelyn said facing her holograph,

"Roger that boss" Holo Eve said before she jumped up and turned into her smaller fairy like form, she gave a quick head nod before flying off ahead and quickly out of sight of the two humans,

Holo Eve's POV

I choose to fly as close as I could to the ceiling as possible while flying quickly through the guy's weird magic room or maybe should I say rooms because this place is like another house attached to Eve's and Ava's apartment, 'Holy frick how big is this place?' I thought as I flew and soon I was in what looked like a throne room where the guys were at, Asch was sitting on the throne and the other guys stood around with Rhys standing the closest to Asch. I flew quickly behind one of the pillars so they could see me if they looked up but still close enough so I could hear them, my curiosity just the best of me and I decided to eavesdrops on them,

"What do we do with this new information?" Rhys asked and Asch signed,

"What do you mean?" Asch asked I heard him growl slightly,

"Well, we've now discovered Ava is a princess since her father is the ruler of all humans" Rhys replied explaining to Asch and the others,

"And Evelyn seem to be her assistant or her knight as she is pretty protective of her" Leif added, that last part nearly made me laugh because while it's kinds true but she's got protective of her friends and her family,

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