23 Decorating For Halloween

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I was sitting at my computer and I had just finished rewatching Brandon's (or xiiRockstarrTv) 'Supernatural Origins Season 2' series and I was starting to rewatch when Lucas'/ Boat's (or Actual Boatnose) 'Origin Z' series when I heard my phone went off telling me that someone was texting me, I paused my video and looked over at my phone, it was my boyfriend,

Sparky = Chris, Mage = Evelyn

Sparky: Heya babe, we still going to the Fall Festival this year?,

Mage: Oh hey babe and yeah I'm pretty sure I can trick Ava and the guys to come along,

Sparky: Cool :),

Mage: ;P,

Mage: Oh yeah do you have everything ready for the party later this month?,

Sparky: Yeah trust me I got everything I need for the party, you?,

Mage: Yeah I do plus some costumes for the guys and Ava,

Sparky: Nice, oh shot gtg I'm need to help decorating for Halloween,

Mage: Okay, love you babe <3,

Sparky: Love you too babe <3,

I read over Chris' second last text which got me thinking,

'Hmm, maybe we should start decorating for Halloween cause I know we haven't yet' I thought before I pushed my chair back and stood up, I walked over to my closet and dug through the boxes I have looking for my costume for the party later this month, I found it hidden behind a random shoe box,

"Yes found you" I said to myself as I pulled the dark blue box out from it's spot, I opened the box and started to look through its contents, seeing my costume for my family's Halloween party which is in the next two few days,

Once I made sure I had everything I needed for the party I put the box back into it's spot before I stood up and walked over to where I kept the Halloween decorations, I keep the decorations in a different box under my shoe boxes and a few different jackets and jumpers, before I left I grabbed my jewellery box and grabbed a Halloween themed choker and swapped out my normal one for this one,

Ava's POV

I was sitting staring at my phone reading a text message which Lorelai had only just sent me,

Lorelai: Hey Ava, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Fall Festival coming up next week, maybe invite Eve and some of your hunks too :) Just wanted to invite you, a few friends from high school will be there,

"Ugh Lorelai" I said before Lorelai sent me another text,

Lorelai: You probably are going 'Ugh' at this message but you know you secretly want to go, I can tell it's next Saturday so if you want to go but you don't want to text back just meet us up the festival at 2:00pm, I hope you're doing well,

"Stupid Lorelai, why does she keep asking me if I want to hang out... wait festival... I just realized..." I said before I walked over to my window and saw it was in fact autumn,

"It's October" I said before I walked over to my door and made my while to Eve's room to get her help on decorating, once I at her door I knocked on her door, pretty soon she opened it

"Oh hey Ava, what's up?" she asked me,

"Eve, it's October and we need to decorate the apartment" I replied,

"Already on that girl, I've got the decoration right here" Eve said showing me the big box full of Halloween decorations while giving me a big smile,

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