24 Magical Halloween Party

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Evelyn's POV

Me and Leif had gotten back to the apartment and put up the new lights and the two new skull candle on the dining room table and the kitchen counter, I was humming 'This Is Halloween' to myself when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was my mum,

'Why is mum texting me?' I thought as I opened up my messaging app,

Mama = Kelly (Eve's Mum), Little Eve = Evelyn

Mama: Hi sweetie <3,

Little Eve: Hey mum what do you need?,

Mama: I just wanted to know if you and your friends are coming to the Halloween party this weekend?,

Little Eve: Oh yeah we are coming ^w^,

Mama: Great, well I see you there,

Little Eve: Ok cya there mum,

Mama: Love you Eve <3

Little Eve: Love you too mum <3,

"Well looks like I have to get the guys and Ava" I said putting my phone away and walking over to Ava's room knowing that where she would be, I knocked on her door and walked in, I saw her sitting on her bed,

"Oh hey Eve" Ava said,

"Hey Ava, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to my family Halloween party this weekend, I know you normally don't wanna come since you think you're a burden or something and you're not, so what do you say, wanna come to the party?" I asked her, she thought for a minute before she answered me,

"Alright Eve but I don't have a costumes to go in" she said before she saw my smile,

"Oh don't you worried about that Ava cause I've got you covered" I said still smiling,

"Wait really?" Ava asked looking at me confused,

"I may or may not have already got you a costumes a little bit ago" I said smiling sheepishly,

"Really, can I see it?" Ava asked and I nodded, I made my way to her door and waited for her to follow me, pretty soon we were in my closet,

"Hold on girl, I have to dig the box up, so give me a minute" I said and I saw her sit down on the chair before I kneed down and started to dig around looking for the correct box, it only took me about two minutes to find to box in question,

"Found you" I muttered to myself and before I showed Ava I wanted to check to see if I had everything, once I made sure everything was good so I turned to face Ava,

"Here you go Ava, I hope I got the right size" I said and I gave her the box,

"Thanks Eve" she said,

"Well come on open it, I wanna see your reaction" I said and she opened the box, the look on her face was priceless,

"Oh my god Eve, it's beautiful" she said,

"Well try it on, I wanna see it on you" I said and she walked into my bathroom and while I waited for her I moved to my bed, shortly after she came out in a deep purple and black sleeveless vampiress dress with purple fake jewels on the bust, a black and purple foam collar, it even had two black sleeves which had a line of deep purple and a purple jewel on them and a short black net cloak with a hood, inside the box was also a pair of purple jewel earrings, a purple and black crown and a pair of fingerless fishnet gloves,

"How do I look?" Ava asked me,

"You look beautiful Ava, I'm glad I got you the right size" I said smiling and I wasn't lying, she really did look beautiful in the dress I got her,

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