13 Surprise Visit From A Brother

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No One's POV

It was around 8:30am in the morning at the Raven Phoenix apartment and everyone was either asleep or something similar, both Ava and Evelyn were asleep peacefully in their rooms with their cats/ spirits sleeping next to them and the Daemos were in their portal room thing. Evelyn's phone dinged notifying that she has a messages with woke her up, she rolled over and sleepy reached for her phone and turned on the screen which blinds her for a few seconds before she turned the brightness down,

"Who the hell texted me?" she muttered before she saw it was a message from her brother,

"Oh it's Harry what the heck does he want at this time?" she said before she opened her messager app,

Clockwork = Evelyn, Ticci Toby = Harry

Ticci Toby: Hey sis how are you?

Clockwork: I'm good, why are you texting me at 8:30 in the morning?

Ticci Toby: That's good and no reason,

Ticci Toby: Just wanted to see if me and Annie could drop in for a visit?

Clockwork: Yeah that's fine just a heads up remember the cute sounding guy from the game night last night?

Ticci Toby: Yeah I remember, I was wondering who that was,

Ticci Toby: Why do you ask?

Clockwork: Well he and 4 other guys are crashing at my place, and yes Chris met them

Ticci Toby: Okay,

Clockwork: Yeah and their like us, they have magic and they needed a place to crash and me and Ava was in the wrong place at the right time or something,

Ticci Toby: Weird...

Clockwork: Yeah I know but I'm pretty used to it by now

Clockwork: So what time do you and Annie wanna come over?

Ticci Toby: Maybe sometime around lunch so, that should be enough time for Ava to wake up,

Clockwork: Yeah cya than Lil Bro,

Ticci Toby: kk cya soon Big Sis,

Evelyn's POV

Once my brother and I stopped texting I rolled back over in my bed and tried to go back to sleep but unfortunately Mirage had woken up at this point and was staring at me, when I tried to sleep the space themed cat started to paw at my right arm,

"Okay Mirage I'm up geez I can't sleep in when your here" I said sitting up in bed and looking at the cat/ spirit in question, all I got back was a few meows, I shook my head before getting out of my bed and made my way to the closet so I could get dressed,

I changed out of my comfy oversized jumper and sleep pants into a black Deadpool shirt, dark coloured jeans, black pleather belt, a Diva (Overwatch) jacket, black socks and a pair of my comfy inside shoes before heading over to my bathroom so I could brush out my hair and put it up into my normal low ponytail. Once I was finished getting ready I walked back into my bedroom and saw Mirage had moved from my bed to my gaming chair,

"Come on let's get something to eat Mirage" I said walking past the spirit and out my bedroom door, I heard the spirit jump down from the chair and followed me out the room,

"Now what to make for breakfast?" I muttered to myself going through the cabinets looking for something good to eat until I found a box of cereal more specifically a box of Coco Puffs my favourite brand of breakfast cereal, so I grabbed the box and put it on the kitchen counter before going over to the sink's drying rack and grabbed two bowls, one normal bowl and one pet food dish, a random glass and a spoon for myself, then to the fridge so I could grab the milk and orange juice,

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