17 Who Knew Rhys Needed Glasses

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No One's POV

Ava was sitting on her bed looking over to her bedroom door waiting for the demons with Evelyn was curled up sleeping peaceful next to her in her bed with a small lamb plush and Johnny sitting next to her,

"Three, two one..." Ava says counting down slowly,

As soon as she said that her door opened and four out of the five guys, now in their normal Daemos clothing along with horns out, once they walked in Johnny got up before hopping off the bed,

"Prisoners!" Asch shouted, this caused Evelyn to wake up,

"Predictable..." Ava said,

"Are you both better yet?" Asch asked them,

"Both Ava, Eve and Mrs. Oats said it would be a few suns before they---" Noi started to say but Asch cuts him off,

"They'll taking forever to recover!" Asch yelled,

"She is awake on her own today" Pierce said,

"Yeah, no thanks to Leif..." Ava said,

"Whoops" Leif said looking to his left, before Asch looked towards him,

"What did you do?" Asch asked,

"I kept her busy last night, heh, heh, heh" Leif said,


Both Ava and Evelyn were asleep in Ava's bed with Ava on the right and Evelyn on the left when Leif entered the room, he walked over to Ava's side of the bed and took out one of his sickles before he started to poke Ava's face, which caused her to wake up,

"Nmnm..." Ava mumbled,

"Are you dead?" Leif asked,

"I'm sick, leave me alone" Ava replied,

"I'm just gonna wait here to make sure you don't die yet" Leif said,

"How thoughtful..." Ava said before she turned around now facing Evelyn's sleeping face, soon she felt something poke her butt,

"Waaa why did you poke my butt and with what?" Ava said/ asked while she sat up and looking at Leif,

"I poked you with my weapon, what else would I poke you with" Leif said matter-of-factly

"Just let me sleep" Ava said and before Leif could say anything he was hit in the head by a pillow,

"Sh-hu-ut y-you bur-rnt sp-pagh-etti m-mon-st-er" Evelyn mutter out before turning around so she's facing the wall,

-~-Flashback Back-~- 

"... And yet he poking me throughout the night, and I think Eve almost knocked Leif out with a pillow or something a few times before falling back asleep" Ava explained while Lief was poking her with one of his sickles and her face was a look of irritation on it,

"Look, he's doing it right now" she said as Leif's eyes widen,

"Oh um... whoops" he said putting his weapons away and Asch looked upset,

"Cut it out you--" Asch started to say before he was cut off by a pillow to the face,

"C-ca-an y-yo-ou sh-shut up y-you bur-rnt sp-pagh-etti m-mon-st-er, I-I'm t-try-ing t-to s-sl-eep" Evelyn stuttered out as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes trying to get the sleep out of them before she realized that the guys were in the room,

"Uhh... hi" Evelyn projected smiling sheepishly,

"Again with that burnt spaghetti monster thing, what are you talking about Eve?" Ava asked her,

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