26 Deamos And The Lush Bubble Baths

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Okay so before we start to chapter I'd like to say THANK YOU ALL FOR 3K READS, IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME THAT PEOPLE LIKE MY STORIES, so agian from the bottom of my heart thank you ^w^


No One's POV

It's been a few day since Marlene had last visited/ Evelyn and Ava has babysat her (Making it Saturday), the Deamos were doing you knows what in their magical room thing, Evelyn was sitting in her bathroom painting her nails with soft music playing in the background, she was painting her nails a glossy balck with her pointer fingers a glittery purple (Fun fact I myself paint my nails like this, with my pointers a different colour then the rest of my nails) and lastly Ava was sitting by the window in her room, she was looking at her phone at the text Lorelai had sent her the day she and Evelyn had decorated the apartment ready for Halloween,

Lorelai: You probably are going 'Ugh' at this message but you know you secretly want to go, I can tell it's next Saturday so if you want to go but you don't want to text back just meet us up the festival at 2:00pm, I hope you're doing well,

"Saturday at 2:00pm, I mean let's weigh the pros and cons Ava, a pro is if I don't go I can sleep more and do whatever I want without the weight of the world judging me on my shoulders and the con is I can sit here in my apartment, in my room, doing nothing as alway... I mean everyone in my school has been going to the Fall Festival since we were young and Lorelai sis day some friends from high school are going to be there for sure, so there's no way around it but high school for me was..." Ava said staring off into the distance, thinking back on her time as a high schooler,


A 15 year old Ava was standing at her opened locker digging around looking for something, probably a book for her next class when she hears two boys talking not too far away from her,

"Yo, why is that chick alway angry?" one of the guys (Chand?, a random name) asked his friend,

"Who?" the other guy (Kevin, again a random name) asked confused,

"Avara" Chand said,

"Oh you mean Ava?" Kevin asked,

"Yeah whatever" Chand said,

"Rumor has it she's been on bad terms with a lot of people since she was young" Kevin explained, Ava of course overheard them talking about her,

"Yeah but like doesn't she bully people a lot?" Chand asked,

"Like the opposite but she definitely gives off bad vibes, like she doesn't want you to be around, don't why that cutie Eve hangs around her" Kevin said,

"Shame she'd probably be cute if she smiled more" Chand said,

"Maybe her home life is bad, we don't know what..." Kevin said but was cut off by a loud slam coming from Ava's locker being slammed shut,

"It's not true, leave my parents out of it, if your gonna talk bad about anyone, talk bad about me" she yelled at them, unbeknownst to her or the guys in front of her Evelyn was just around the corner,

"Ava..." Evelyn said confused and concerned about her best friend,

~~End of Flashback~~

"I mean a lot of my school life was like that" Ava said looking out of her window,

"What if I see people who I didn't like before like everyone" she added signing as she did before she heard the Deamos yelling through her door and she giggled,

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