15 These Guys Can't Take Care Of Two Sick Girls

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Evelyn's POV

I was sleeping in my bed when I felt a stabbing pain in my throat which caused me wake up, I grabbed the glass of water I kept on the bedside table and I saw it was about midnight, I was hoping to try and relieve the pain thinking it was just a normal sore throat that I sometimes get when I wake up but instead of the pain going away is stayed and it hurt when I swallow,

"W-wh-ha-at?" I tried to said but my voice sounded like it was giving out because I started to cough, I took another drink of my water before getting up from my bed and started to make my way to my bathroom,

'What the heck is going on, why is my throat killing me' I thought as entered my bathroom before I turned on the lights and blinded me for a few seconds,

'Could of been the hot tub, maybe that's why the guys didn't want to go in it and stay but since the hot tub is from their world it may not have affected them' I thought as I opened my bathroom mirror to see if I had any throat lozenges and lucky for me I do,

'Oh thank Loki I still have some throat lozenges other wise I would have had to go to the store and buy some but I don't really trust the guys' I thought before I popped one out of the foil and popped it the mouth, once I started to suck on the lozenges a thought popped into my head,

'Oh my freaking Loki if I'm sick from the short time in the magic hot tub then what about Ava, she probably stayed in there a heck of lot longer than me so how bad is she gonna be' I thought before nearly running out of the bathroom before another thought entered my head,

'Wait how am I going to talk to the guys if I have to?... Wait I can call Holo Eve and she can talk from me while I talk to her via telepathy so I don't overexert myself with projecting my thoughts' I thought before calling out my holographic version of myself, once she fully formed I opened up their mental link,

"Hey boss what you need?" Holo asked and I tried to smile but ended up coughing and rubbing my throat hoping to smooth the pain,

"Oh my Loki are you okay?" Holo asked rushing over to me and patted back,

"My throat is killing me and I think my voice is gone" I projected to her while giving her a small smile,

"Okay, was it from that weird hot tub thing from the guys?" she asked me and I nodded at her,

"Yeah I think so, I was thinking maybe you could talk for me until my voice is back and my throat stops trying to kill me" I told her still rubbing my throat,

"I can do that for you boss, you just focus on getting better" she said gently before walking into my bathroom and shortly returning with another glass of water,

"Here" she said before handing it to me,

(Small AN: Okay so yeah Holo Eve is still a holograph but she can interact with real world objects, that's why she could get Evelyn a glass of water, tho she doesn't have any of the real Evelyn's magic she can only change her forms in between her normal one, a small fairy like one, and maybe two more forms I haven't thought of yet and has the ability to turn herself tangible to intangible at will, funny enough she's kinda like the gems from Steven Universe, she's light with mass or something similar, okay back to the story ^w^)

NO One's POV

While Evelyn and Holo Eve were in her room, Ava and Pierce was still in the hot tub room with Ava still sitting in the water while Pierce was standing guard over her, at this time Ava had been sitting in the magical hot tub for about nearly seven hours,

While all this was going on Mirage was sitting by the large window periodically looking over to the portal looking more and more sad as time went on, shortly after looking over at the portal she felt like someone was looking at her and when she turned around she saw Ava's pet cat Johnny looking at her from the other side of the coffee table, she just turned back around before turning back around and saw Johnny was even closer than before, soon enough Johnny was right next to Mirage but unfortunately she still doesn't like being around him and she started to hit him in his face,

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