04 Sweet Treats

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Evelyn's POV

These last three days have been weird but I'm kinda glad these weird guy entered my life, they're pretty cool tho Asch kinda reminds me of an old school bully I had back in highschool but the others are pretty cool. The guys all remind me of different people, Rhys and Pierce both reminds me of my dad in differents reasons, Leif kinda reminds me of myself and Noi reminds me of my younger sibling I haven't seen in years.

I was in one of my comfrey oversized jumpers and a pair of black leggings, standing in my bathroom in front of the mirror brushing my hair, playing with my magic while trying out different hairstyles, humming along to a music that was playing from my phone, I was bouncing on my heels as the music filled the small bathroom. My hair was currently up in a french braid before a call came through on my phone,

"Huh what?" I said before grabbing my phone and saw it was my bf and answered it,

"Hey babe" I heard my boyfriend's voice,

"Hehe hey Chris" I said happily,

"What's up, anything new?" he asked,

"Nothing much just hanging around at home with a few new friends" I said nonchalantly,

"Oh that's cool, wait what when did you get new friends?" he asked clearly surprised at the fact have new friends,

"Yeah it's a long story babe, the short of it is that five weird guys needed a place to stay and me and Ava were in the wrong place at the right time, hehe, anyway how you doing?" I explained as I moved magic to try another hair style,

"Nothing much, just watching tv and wanted to talk, maybe see if you wanted to hang out later or something" he said nonchalantly,

"Oh cool yeah maybe you can come over and that way you can meet the guys I was talking about" I said as my magic worked my hair into some cute pigtails with bangs,

"Yeah I can do that, I can come over like around 4 maybe" he said,

"Cool see you soon than babe, I have to go now cause my phone looks like it's die soon" I said as I changed my hair again, this time it was mostly all down with two braids coming from either side of my head than they meet in the middle before it becoming apart of the rest of my hair,

"Okay then bye babe" he said before he hanged up,

Once my boyfriend and I ended our call I just walked out of the bathroom and walking over to my bedside table where my phone charger was kept, once my phone was plugged in I moved over to my walk-in closet to grab a pair of comfrey shoes I had for around the house only. After grabbing them I walked out of my room and made my way over to the kitchen to grab some food and to see if any of the guys were out, to which they weren't, 'huh that's weird' I thought before walking back into my room to read.

Ava's POV

It's been a weird last few days for me and Eve, these five weird demon guys are probably going to be the death of me and her. I needed a break from all the craziness, so here I was sitting in my bath with Johnny joining me in a small spa day,

"This is relaxing" I said, Johnny just meowed,

"Facemask doing okay for you Johnny?" I asked and he just purred,

"Nice, *yawn* you know I'm so impressed, I haven't seen a horny guy in almost 24 hours now" I said and Johnny meowed at me angrily,

"You know what I mean the horned guys, wait I guess what I said before came off bad, augh you know what I mean the demons" I said staring at my cat, while he just meowed again,

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