What Am I To You?

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"What's bothering her?" I asked myself everytime I see TaeYeon spacing out again for days.

It has been days when she frowned or bothered by something after we meet with Director Kang and Ms. Jung. Maybe it because she felt awkward with everyone, I couldn't blame her when she diagnosed from depression before because of the awful break up she had with Jessica. I must stay positive for her so I could learn how to comfort her in a way I've known, it's not long since we started dating and I wanted to show how I appreciate her existence although she deny it, it must be hard for her to work again with the one you loved before and worst seeing her with someone else. In the first place, TaeYeon only sees me as a choice, no doubt, but instead of crying from pain, I've tried my best to be someone she could lean on and get comfort.

"Are you okay, Fany ah?" I heard TaeYeon called me since I've been spacing out too while we're eating our dinner.

"Maybe, it's a stress from work. Don't worry about me, you must take care of yourself too." I brush her hair using my hand and smiled positively at her so I could give her a good vibes and cheer her up as well.

"I will wash the plates after." TaeYeon volunteer herself as I'm somewhat living with her now but my stuffs were still in my apartment.

"Do you feel lonely here?" I asked after seeing her place almost empty but somewhat messy.

"Sometimes but right now I'm bust with the project." TaeYeon just answer calmly and ate her dinner.

"Do you want me to move in with you?" I knew TaeYeon wasn't the type that will initiate a conversation or pursuing so I'm the one who will make a move for her simply because I love her so much.

"Come here." She said while pointing at me but she seems serious so I got nervous.

"Why? You afraid I might bite you?" She joked so I pouted and shook my head.

"You love teasing me." I told back but I follow what she told me and closes our gap.

"That's a good idea." She whisper in my ear and it makes me blush hard covering my face while accidentally pushing her away.

"Agh! Why did you push me?" She fell om her butt hard because she kept on staring at me and teasing me in my weakness.

"You're too close." I felt shy whenever she became aggressive.

"Why? You're my girlfriend." I felt my heart beats fast when she always mentioned that I belong to her and she's mine definitely.

"By the way, I will have a trip with the crew, Director Kang." She stopped before she sighed.

"Jessica Jung too." I knew she doesn't want me to get jealous and misunderstood her so she always told me if she's with her ex girlfriend.

"Don't worry, I will take care of your house." I've been confident about our relationship and knowing TaeYeon avoided Jessica makes me feel relief or that's what I thought.

"How many days you will be away?" I asked so I could immediately transfer my stuff from my apartment to here.

"It's just 3 days? It depends of the project." She counted the days with her fingers that makes her more cute in my eyes.

"I will help you pack your stuff." I volunteer and it makes her smile at me.

"You're such a really good girl." She praises me all of a sudden which I rarely heard from her.

"Go wash the plates." I became shy when I'm around her so I always shrugged and avoided it.

"So bossy." She murmur but she follows and went to wash all our plates.

"Move your stuff here while I'm away." She shouted from the kitchen as I help her prepare her clothes she need for the trip before I saw an old photo of her and Jessica.

"They were perfect from each other." I nonchalantly said without thinking I'm hurting deeply inside so I only noticed it just now. I don't know that it would hurt me although I'm trying to be the perfect girlfriend for TaeYeon and ignoring the fact that she's working with her ex girlfriend whom she loved so much.

"Fany?" She always called me by name and doesn't have anything special with me so I could feel she doesn't love me.

"What am I to her?" I asked myself while I'm hurting unknowingly inside.

"Fany? Are you done?" She called again but all I heard was bitterness in my heart.

"Fany? What's happening there?" She called and the pain still lingering inside and I couldn't breath.

"Is she laughing at me now?" I refer to Jessica's pitiful face on me while she knows that TaeYeon must be inlove with her until now.

"Did I do the right thing?" I mean loving TaeYeon although I knew she love someone else.

"I'm insanely loving someone who's still loving her past?" I grip on my chest holding my tears back because if I cry it wasn't helping me to make TaeYeon love me back.

"Does she love me?" I asked myself referring to TaeYeon's love for me.

"Fany?" TaeYeon suddenly appears behind me wrapping her arms around my waist holding me securely in her loving warmth.

"I will be lonely here without you?" I bluntly said without thinking again but it's my chance to speak what's inside my heart.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded before I felt her arms tightly wrapping around me but I felt empty and sadness whenever she's with me. Is it because of Jessica Jung?

"Then just only think of me." She doesn't think twice nor never says something special at me. I wonder if she's thinking about her again whenever she hugged or kissed me.

"Selfish." I sighed.

"Fany? Are you alright?" She asked again and I just nodded feeling the warmth that belongs to someone else.

"Maybe we're both selfish."

To be continued.

A/N: Thank you for your patience. Happy new year everyone 💜

With Love,

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