The Finale

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"It's your dream runway today. Congratulations Miss Jung." Director Kang brought flowers for the grand event of her creative director Jessica.

"Of course, thank you." Jessica seems too bothered and couldn't concentrate but the show must go on.

"Are you alright Miss Jung?" Director Kang noticed Jessica's down expression so it might be something involve with TaeYeon, her ex girlfriend.

"Don't mess up these time because it's your only chance to show your father that you became successful one." Director Kang knock some sense to Jessica since the woman was one of the hardworking director to achieve her dreams.

*I will not mess up again* Jessica cheer herself and focus on the event, she will deal with her thoughts later after the event.

"Wow, the venue looks so extravagant." Irene was proud of their work and complimented.

"Congratulations to us, too." Wendy cheerfully said taking Irene's arm to hers.

"Are you two dating now?" Sunny asked suspiciously knowing the two never seperated from each other after their collaboration with Jessica Jung.

"Yeah." Wendy shyly admitted.

"Wow, then who make the first move?" Sunny asked again.

"Well, since Wendy is such a slowpoke I made the first move." Irene snorted frowning deeply as she recalls the time she confess to Wendy first.

"Sorry, Irene ah promise I will make it up for you." Wendy coax her girl and walk through the main hall of the event finding their seat numbers.


"Congratulations Miss Jung!" Sunny appears with a bouquet of roses as she enters Jessica's dressing room but she noticed the woman keeps on looking at her back maybe she's searching for TaeYeon.

"TaeYeon's not here." Sunny answer.

"I'm not looking for her." Jessica lied and felt embarrassed because she got caught by Sunny.

"You're bad at lying, you know." Sunny laugh at her and take the roses in the corner.

"Thank you Sunny." Jessica sarcastically said while smelling the roses.

"I've got to tell you something." Sunny caught Jessica's attention immediately.

"TaeYeon will fly to Greece today." Sunny informs her and betray her good friend not tell anybody about her leaving the country.

"What time is her flight?" Jessica asked and became nervous about TaeYeon leaving her.

"10 a.m. and it's already 9:15." Sunny look at her watch but before she could say anything, Jessica already left the venue.

"Hey, hey, Miss Jung what about your dream runway?" Sunny follow Jessica running outside while taking off her heels.

"It doesn't matter for me because I have to choose what's the best." Jessica shed tears and smile but Sunny keep on following her behind.

"I'll drive you to airport." Sunny offers.



"Thank you for driving me here." Jessica thank Sunny and quickly jump outside.

"Just go you might be late." Sunny shooed Jessica away so she could catch up with TaeYeon's flight.

"It's 9:50 a.m. will she be on time?" Sunny worried about them if they will meet or Jessica will lose TaeYeon again and they will never see each other.

"TaeYeon please where are you?" Jessica was nervous while searching for TaeYeon in the waiting area.

"It's almost 9:57 a.m." Jessica look at her watch and it's TaeYeon's flight already.

"Excuse me, where's the passenger of flight to Greece?" Jessica asked the airport staff who bump into her.

"Ah, it's already take off." The male staff pointed outside and truth to his words, the airplane already take off and fly to its destination.

"I'm too late." Jessica shed tears again while holding TaeYeon's ring with her.



"I will be leaving next week." Jessica talk with her parents after she got home again.

"I never knew you would be such successful fashion designer now, Jessica." Her father remarks but the old man already change and accept her daughter dating woman.

"When do you bring your lover?" Jessica's mother teasing her daughter.

"Mom!" Jessica frown because she's been teasing by her parents since she's still single although there's so many dates she always turned them down.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Her father turn to ask while drinking his coffee.

"I'm not interested in dating." Jessica sighed and preparing her luggages for New York event next week and decided that she will stay there for good expanding her fashion business after building the main branch in Seoul. She already left Director Kang's clothing company and established her own.

"Really?" Her mom tease again.

"Gotta go now and I'm not be home for dinner because I'll stay in my penthouse." Jessica said before she leave their house.


"What are these bouquet?" Jessica went home late and need more rest after a nerve wrecking day for her fashion line.

"Who send this by the way?" Jessica search for the note attach but she found none but the lavender flower smells good.

"I should take a rest now." Jessica almost fell asleep when the security called because someone's looking for her.

"Ugh! Let me sleep." Jessica get mad because of the disturbance but she instantly fell asleep from exhaustion.


"We will be meeting the owner of the architecture firm that we hired for collaboration." Jessica's assistant informs her so they gather for meeting and meet them.

"They will arrive today, Miss Jung." Her assistant said fixing her schedules until tomorrow but her boss wasn't paying attention because she's dozing off while in the meeting.

"They are here." The conference room open and an elegant architect who owns the company appears.

"This is Miss Kim of JT Build Co." Her assistant introduce the beautiful owner.

"My name is Kim TaeYeon." It woke up Jessica from her nap and look at the person who introduced her name.

"We will be working again Miss Jessica Jung and it's nice seeing you." TaeYeon smile at the woman who shed tears after seeing her again.

"And this time, I will stay for good." TaeYeon lovingly stare at Jessica while holding her hand.



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