Uncomfortable With You

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"So, this is my proposed plan for you Miss Jessica." TaeYeon was called by the creative director on her office to brief the project proposal.

"Can we add some details? I want the venue to be more relative with the palette of my designs. This is my sample so you can have an idea to change some small details in your design." Jessica shows her designs and TaeYeon check it out for some idea.

"Your theme is shades of purple?" TaeYeon curiously asked.

"Yes, I saw it in one of my favorite American film and it caught my attention so I will apply it on my first runway project." Jessica's theme was based on TaeYeon's favorite color preference because it reminds of her former lover. TaeYeon who loves the purple so much creates a theme for her first show that Director Kang approved.

*Is it a coincidence that her theme was my favorite color?* TaeYeon stare on her serious former lover working on her some design details.

"My assistant team leader already found the place fits on your theme so we have don't need to worry about it Miss Jung." TaeYeon explains before her phone beeps for an incoming calls.

"Oh? It's Tiffany. Please excuse me Miss Jing I will take these call." Jessica nod but her eyes followed TaeYeon who answers her call and purposely eavesdropping on the conversation.

"You want me to pick you up?" TaeYeon asked.

*Yeah, I'm at the supermarket near ypur location.* Tiffany answered back with her excitement tone on her voice.

"Oh? What are you doing there?"

*I will cook your favorite food for dinner so we can share it together.* Tiffany said whole blushing madly on the other line.

"Gee, thanks." TaeYeon laugh.

*I will call you later*


*Love you* Tiffany ended the call not waiting for TaeYeon's response.

"Eh? She didn't wait for my reply so weird but it makes her look so cute." TaeYeon was surprised from Tiffany's behavior but she ignores it and focus working with Jessica.

"Is it your girlfriend?" Jessica surprises TaeYeon behind.

"Gosh! You scared me Miss Jung!" TaeYeon held her chest when Jessica appears out of nowhere when she decided to get back inside.

"Are you free today?" Jessica asked.

"No, I have dinner with my girlfriend." TaeYeon lied because she still didn't gave her answer on Tiffany's confession yet because she always thought about it whether she say yes or they will remain as friends for now.

"What if I? Nevermind." Jessica take back her words and quickly leave TaeYeon alone in the balcony.

"You always confused me until now." TaeYeon sighed heavily while thinking about Jessica's words.


"Hi." TaeYeon picked up Tiffany on the location and helps her with her grocery bags.

"Done with your work?" Tiffany asked smiling back at TaeYeon.

"Of course." TaeYeon smile back before she turned on the engine of her car while spotted Jessica alone infront of her office building waiting for a ride.

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