Let's Forget Everything

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After what happened between me and TaeYeon that night was so wrong to the point that I hated myself very much for easily giving up on her. I'm craving for her after so long I haven't touched by anyone and the warmth of her body into mine brought back the memories of us, I'm crying every single night after we broke up and leaving her was the huge mistake I've ever made and until now I couldn't forget how we deepen our kiss and her lips into mine but felt regret because she already has her girlfriend who could love her more than I can give her. The guilty feeling inside eating me up at night, I never told anyone even Director Kang about what happened because it makes me feel the bad guy in TaeYeon's love story with Tiffany. Shall I pursue her?

"What are you thinking Ms. Jung?" Sunny asked me working with TaeYeon's team makes me feel uncomfortable knowing she might told her about our bitter past.


"You're spacing out again." Wendy interrupted as she sketching the design on my runway.

"I'm fine." I lied but my eyes always staring at the door behind in case TaeYeon will enter and she's kinda late for our meeting.

"Where's TaeYeon?" Director Kang spoke maybe she's glancing at me and looks worried so she's the first one who question TaeYeon's team.

"She has an errand so she couldn't join us today but we will do our best in her behalf Director Kang." Sunny answered in behalf of their team who diligently working on the plan since were staying at the venue until the final day.

"Is she sick?" I asked curiously.

"No, but her girlfriend is sick and couldn't go to work so that's why TaeYeon rushed to their apartment." Sunny explain before everyone get back to their tasks.

*Should I text her?* The thought keeps on nagging me and want to know about TaeYeon's reaction because before I woke up she already left the room leaving no traces.

"Miss Jung are you sure you're okay?" Wendy worries when she caught me spacing out again.

"It's nothing really." I answer back smiling back at her.

"Creative director Jung maybe you need to get some rest since you're working overtime." Director Kang intervene in our conversation with her serious expression as she walked behind me patting my shoulder in assurance.

"I will be fine I don't want to leave them behind since TaeYeon wasn't here too." I insisted before Director Kang pulls back my chair gently dragging me and went out the room.

"Are they dating?" I accidentally heard Wendy asked her colleague Irene as we left the room.


"What's wrong with you?" Director Kang asked as we walked side by side on our way to my room.

"You're acting weird after I left your room and seems like you're bothered by something." Director Kang knew me alot since we're working for so long but I have no courage to tell her the truth that me and ex got sex after she left me.

"I'm just nervous that's all." I lied to her.

"Are you sure?" Director Kang pulls me into her embrace makes me shocked because she's holding me so close into her chest.

"I'm sorry for avoiding and leaving you behind because I'm tired." She says tightening her hold into me but my heart felt sorry for her because I'm lying on her and felt guilty at the same time.

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