What Do I Call You?

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The movie was nice and having Creative Director Jung with me feels great for a company, maybe I should treat her back a nice dinner for both of us. She worked hard for her first runway project and I see how she break sweats for her dreams and to be appreciate and praised by her own father Mr. Jung since she was disowned because Jessica doesn't want to pursue the course that her father wanted for her as she pursue her fashion designing and also having an affair with same sex relationship. I felt pity and sorry for her at the same time so being kind on her was the only thing I wanted to do for her so she could have someone to lean on.

"Director Kang?" One of the Hansung Build employee greeted and I somewhat remember her name, Ms. Irene Bae.

"Ms. Bae?" Jessica noticed her too and greets her back cheerfully.

"Do you watch the movie together?" Irene suspiciously asked while staring on me with her unreadable look.

"Yeah." I'm the one who answered this time and she let out a small smile before I saw TaeYeon with a woman clinging on her.

"TaeYeon?" I heard Jessica whisper and saw how her expression changes from cheerful to gloomy one.

"Oh, I'm with Ms. Kim and her girlfriend." Irene says before Ms. Lee appear behind her.

"Ola!" Sunny greets us with her cheerful aura that makes me smile at their team. I've got my own team before but ever since I was promoted to be one of the executives I rarely have a team and focused on the major role for my position.

"Good evening everyone." I greeted them all before my eyes landed on TaeYeon's expression and secretly glancing at Jessica's direction who avoided her.

"Do you want to join us for dinner?" TaeYeon's girlfriend offers.

*This is bad* I gulped and waited for Jessica's response so I glance at her but she's showing no emotions.

"That's a very good idea!!" Irene and Sunny cheers in unison while playfully pulling their team leader's sleeves.

"What??? Do you ask their permission first before bothering them???" TaeYeon stated strictly because I think she's still uncomfortable with Jessica.

"It's fine with me." Jessica coldly said.

"ALRIGHT!!!!" Sunny pump her fist in excitement joining Irene.

"That's good so shall we go?" TaeYeon's girlfriend said before we follow them in silence.

"Hey? Are you insane? Are you sure we will join them with TaeYeon together?" I asked Jessica who shrugged and follow the flow.

"You're causing me too much trouble." I sighed and followed them.

"Director Kang?" I heard Irene calling me so I look at her with expectation.

"Are you single?" Irene bluntly asked.

"Huh? Why do you ask?" I sounded polite so I won't offend the girl while smiling at her.

"I'm curious about your relationship with Ms. Jessica since I'm working with the project. You're always together inside and outside of work and I hope you won't get offended by my questions." Irene explain before her ears turns red and blushed so I thought she's very embarrassed.

"Oh is that so? How do I explain it?" I think of the reason so she wouldn't suspect something between us because I highly respect Miss Jung regarding her privacy.

"We're kind of mentor and student relationship." I simply answer and just smile at her in return.

"Oh? Really? Nothing more?" She looks so adorable while staring excitedly at me.

"We're just friends who treasure each other besides I'm focus with the company." I shrugged and warmly smile at the blushing latter.

"You're so cool Director Kang." Irene gave a thumbs up and wink before she run towards Sunny's side as we approach the location.

"You seem close with her, huh?" I'm surprised when Jessica sneakily appear beside me with her suspicious look on her face.

"Ah, she's asking me about myself so I just politely answered her." I partly lied so Jessica won't ask further questions at me.

"Why did you accept the offer? You should rejected TaeYeon's girlfriend offer." I asked her still showing her not true self.

"I'm fine just don't mind me." She sighed.

"You're insane Miss Jung." I sighed too.

"Is it okay that you couldn'tt move on from your ex whenever you see them?" Jessica asking my opinion and most of our conversations involves TaeYeon most of the time yet I never get tired of her tantrums at me.

"Learn to forgive yourself and forget about the past that hurts you the most." I always gave her a piece of advice when we often talked about it.

"I'm the one who blame." Jessica said.

"Do you want me to set you up with someone else?" I suggested when we knew it's only a joke.

"Please do." I'm surprise she didn't turn down my offer of getting her a new lover.

"Then, I volunteer myself." I saw how her expression changes quickly when my everything got numb and she seems more surprise than me.

"Hey, what are you both doing? Let's go to that restaurant." Sunny called and the silence between us turns into a completely unsettled emotions because of my foul mouth of mine.

"We're coming." I answered and Jessica quickly followed Sunny behind leaving me by myself.

"I messed up." I sighed and followed them from behind.


To be continued.

Happy holidays everyone. Don't get cold and stay warm 💜

With Love,


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