The Epilogue

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"Should I take the flight?" I was waiting for my flight and today was Jessica's first runway that I must attend but after saying those words I couldn't take back I felt regret without clearing our misunderstanding between us. Maybe, it's kinda the rush that I'll be the one who will be leaving. Our relationship became much more complicated when we meet again and these time I must clear my thoughts and decide the best for both of us although it happens very much and I never talked about what happen between us that night, I can say that I still love her and realized my feelings when Tiffany leave me for good.

*I know our break up happens so fast but I want to set you free so you can choose the right thing for you.* I remember Tiffany's words clearly and it makes sense because she knew it without me realizing that my heart still belongs to Jessica.

*If you love me then you will follow me and I will take you back but if not then I know you choose her* Tiffany's words hit me because she went back to her hometown with her bestfriend SooYoung. She get all of her stuffs in my apartment and before she left, she cooks some meal and keep it in my refrigerator.

I saw Jessica running through the airport so I immediately left without facing her because I have to clear my thoughts and decide what's the best for us but seeing her again makes me want to take her back because we both know how we love each other so much but hurting people in between makes it more complicated to be together with her so I decided to leave for the better.



"Why did you runaway?" Director Kang called Jessica's phone when she realized the creative director herself was missing in the venue.

"She already left without saying anything." Jessica softly cried walking outside the airport to find Sunny's car whose waiting for her.

"The runway will be starting soon." Director Kang says and it worried her.

"I will be there in few minutes." Jessica ended the call and went to Sunny.


"So, are you saying you want to finish your study take your master's degree in Greece?"

"That's why I called you." TaeYeon called her friend who staying in Greece and working as an architect.

"Then, that's a good news." Hyoyeon cheers for her friend who already on her flight to Greece.

"Can I stay in your place?" TaeYeon asked.

"Of course, I will clean my place later after I get home. See you Tae." Hyoyeon said before ending the call.

"Thanks bro." They ended their conversation and TaeYeon choose to sleep during her journey.

"I will pursue my dream so I can prove myself to you." TaeYeon thought because after Jessica broke up with her she quit her dream to become an architecture so that explains she's undergraduate but got the chance to work with Hansung Build Co.




"I will be working with Jessica Jung." TaeYeon who became successful architect after pursuing her dream in Greece, she went back to South Korea and build her small company with the help of Hyoyeon who became her business partner as well.

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