Lonely Streets

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"So tired." TaeYeon sighed after she got on her floor and punch in the code of her apartment.

"I'm home!" TaeYeon slowly taking off her shoes when she enter her apartment.

"Shoot! I forgot we broke up." She sadly smile when she remember that the person who always waiting for her at home already left for good.

"No food." She quickly check her refrigerator but it's empty except from the beers inside and she was hungry.

"Delivery again." She sighed and proceed to check on her delivery app.

"It's not like she's good in cooking." She recall how her ex wasn't good in anything but she's the thoughtful and caring one when it comes to her.

"App maintenance? Sh*t!" She almost crash her phone on the wall but she choose to rest on the couch for awhile because she's tired and messed up at work.

*doorbell ringing*

"It's already 11pm?" TaeYeon check her watch after she heard her doorbell wondering who will be her guest tonight.

"Hello! TaeYeon!" Her new neighbor who has her beautiful eyesmile when they meet each other through the hallway.

"Oh, Tiffany? Come in." TaeYeon let the girl from next door went inside her apartment.

"You're cold." TaeYeon felt the coldness of her hand when she touches Tiffany whose holding some grocery bag.

"I bought some food so we could share it for tonight." Tiffany smile at the house owner who attend her inside.

"Goodness, I'm starving like hell!!" TaeYeon take the bags in the kitchen and attend her guest to sit on the couch as she prepare their meal.

"Oh, so I'm right on time?" Tiffany asked.

"Good timing!" TaeYeon shows her thumbs up of approval before she take out the delicious food bought by her good neighbor.

"You're alone here?" Tiffany check the house interior before her eyes caught the beautiful photo frame hanging on the wall.

"I'm already alone now after my girlfriend broke up with me years ago." TaeYeon sighed.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know." Tiffany felt guilty for mentioning the topic that make her neighbor uncomfortable.

"It's fine you don't need to worry." TaeYeon assures her neighbor before she put the plates and utensils on the table infront of the couch.

"Tada!" The food looks good and ready to devour by the two of them together.

"Thank you Tiffany!!" TaeYeon showing her dorky side towards her new neighbor since Tiffany has been good to her after the girl moved in next door.

"Do you have a beer?" Tiffany asked.

"Oh, I have some." TaeYeon quickly went through the kitchen.

"So you like drinking?" TaeYeon open the beer can and offers to Tiffany who looks sad.

"When I'm sad and lonely." Tiffany drank the beer and she likes the bitter taste to make her pain go away.

"Bad break up too?" TaeYeon asked.

"Yeah, I have a boyfriend but he broke up with me yesterday because he needed some space from me."

"Space?" TaeYeon furrow her brows and got curious with her neighbor's story.

"I'm so clingy and affectionate maybe he doesn't want it also I got easily jealous." Tiffany sighed before she drank her beer again.

"You're such a lovely person." TaeYeon wipe off her tears when she saw Tiffany shed tears because of the break up.

"Thanks." Tiffany shyly smile and she found TaeYeon pretty in close up.

"I think you need a good sleep tonight." TaeYeon said while she quickly ate the meal Tiffany brought.

"How about you?" Tiffany slowly became tipsy.

"I will be fine."

"TaeYeon?" Tiffany got closer until their shoulder bump making TaeYeon gasp in surprise.

"Ah? Tiffany?" TaeYeon wanted to push the girl away until her eyes caught her phone's wallpaper with her and Jessica so she quickly avoids Tiffany's advances on her and make an excuse.

"I think you're drunk." TaeYeon take the woman by her hand and make Tiffany settle in the couch.

"You still love her, don't you?" Tiffany asked in her drunken state but she saw how beautiful TaeYeon in her eyes.

"I don't know." TaeYeon sighed and stood up but Tiffany hold her wrist.

"Can we date each other?" Tiffany bluntly said as she became very fond towards TaeYeon after she moved in her new apartment few weeks ago although she's still with her boyfriend and she's confused with her feelings.

"Tiffany, you're drunk." TaeYeon's phone vibrate before she check her notification and found her former lover posted some updates on her social media.

Jessica wrote:

"There was a long hard time when I kept far from me the remembrance of what I had thrown away when I was quite ignorant of its worth." -Charles Dickens, The Great Expectation

*It's worth the time to read the book*

"She still loves to read she might hurt her eyes when she immediatelywash up." TaeYeon smile at what Jessica wrote on her status.

"What am I thinking? We already broke up and I know we have to move on." TaeYeon sighed and turn off her phone.

"Tiffany?" She found the girl fast asleep.

"She drools so I think she's on her dreamland already." TaeYeon chuckle and clean their mess on the table taking the beer away.

"Did she regret it?" TaeYeon still thinking about her ex-girlfriend who left her years ago.


"Why did I posted it?" Jessica was also in a trouble after she messed up her upcoming fashion projects and thinking TaeYeon might misunderstood her status.

"Does she read it?" Jessica check her apps and TaeYeon wasn't online.

"Thank goodness." Jessica decided to remove the status and finally felt relieved.

"Does she already eat her dinner?" Jessica sighed and close her eyes although they broke up years ago, she often caught herself thinking about TaeYeon and smile to herself while working.

*phone vibrates*

"We will work with Hansung Build Co. for your upcoming fashion runway project." -Director Kang

"What a tiresome day!" Jessica decided to sleep and turn off her phone.

"Goodnight Tae." Jessica immediately fell asleep while thinking of TaeYeon.

To be continued.

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