The Choice

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Kim TaeYeon get back to work but she never talked about her girlfriend anymore and shows professionalism towards the job as we quickly finished the outline of the plan for my upcoming runaway for tomorrow. Director Kang who helps alot has been watching over the finished materials and the venue looks so awesome yet I couldn't let my feelings on the way to my dreams. TaeYeon's team works diligently and I like how they reflects from their team leader's work of enthusiasm over their job, I got to know them and be close with them during our collaboration and seems I've gotten knew TaeYeon from them.

"Job well done." I say as I watch the venue more lively and fits to my fashion theme but what caught my attention was TaeYeon's sad expression as she stares blankly on nowhere leaving me confused by her actions. Her eyes full of dark circles and I wanted to talk with her privately maybe during the break.

"Let's break for awhile." Director Kang acts like a stranger towards me and she simply avoided me after the confession so I let her be.

"Are you joining us Miss Jung?" Irene asked clinging into Wendy's arms.

"No, I must go somewhere else." I follow TaeYeon who immediately leave the venue and taking out her pack of cigarettes from her pocket.

"TaeYeon?" I called but she ignores me and she smoke carelessly.

"TaeYeon?" I called twice before she blankly stares at me but she never speak.

"What happen?" She deeply frown but she look away avoiding my eyes.

"How's your girlfriend? Is she okay?" I asked curiously and walk beside her.

"She's fine and we already broke up." I felt my heart in ease when she told me that they're not an item anymore but it breaks me because she cried silently seeing her tears never stop falling while she's scared I might saw her in her vulnerable state again.

"Does she looks like these when we broke up too?" I felt the pang in my heart and felt guilty over our past without closure because I only thought about myself so my father will recognize me as her own daughter who became successful in my chosen career.

"I'm sorry." I held back my tears while listening on her silent cries because I'm afraid I might torn her apart again then leave without a trace. I wanted to hold or hug her to comfort her but all I do was staring at her while she's crying from break ups like how I did to her so I never dare to touch her.

*Can I choose her right now?* I asked myself if I will choose her over my dream but my heart tells me otherwise.

"Don't you dare choose me because I'm badly broke right now." I felt my heart stop when she spoke to me and at the same time broke my heart because she prioritize me before her because she always choose what's the best for me.

"Choose what's the best for you." She told me before she turns her back on me and walk away without looking in my eyes and for the last time I choose my dreams again over her.


"Are you okay Miss Jung?" I cried harder when I found Sunny spending her time fixing the materials alone inside her room.

"Why are you crying?" She asked before she gave me her warm embrace comforting me with her words.

"What happen?" She asked me again but I never dare to speak so I let my emotions control me.

"I'm tired." I sighed before she tighten her embrace around me.

"I didn't choose anyone." I whisper with my soft cries on her but she never speak.

"I let myself broke again." I added.

"I hurt someone over and over again."

"It's okay we couldn't fix it anyway because the damage has been done." Sunny said while hugging me back.

"I don't know anymore." I cried.

"Choose what's the best for you." Sunny said the same line TaeYeon told me awhile ago and it hurts me seeing my ex in such a horrible state again because of me, I know it has something to do with me why they broke up.

"I messed up again." I sighed deeply.

"Then, you have do the right thing and fixed it."



"Team leader already left." Wendy informed us as they fixed their stuffs because today is their last day of collaboration with us and the overall preparation will be handle by Director Kang.

"She didn't say anything?" Jessica asked.

"It's only work related instructions." Sunny interrupted carrying her stuffs with her as they bid goodbye to the other team.

"Thank you for your hardwork." Jessica politely bow at them and team send their thanks especially to Director Kang who take good care of them during their collaboration.

"Miss Jung?" Sunny called privately.

"Is there anything else Miss Lee?" Jessica follow the woman in the corner away from the everyone.

"She left this for you." Sunny handed the couple ring that belongs from TaeYeon.

"I think it something belongs to you." Sunny said while giving her sad smile towards Jessica who let her tears fell.

"It's our couple ring when we're still together." Jessica securely hides the pair on her and now TaeYeon gave the other half on her.

"Thank you Sunny."

"No worries we will be leaving." Sunny bid goodbye to Jessica as she follows the team outside the venue.

"I'll be going Miss Jung but I will be back." Director Kang said with a smile after calling someone on her phone.

"Yes Joy I'm on my way." Director Kang said after ending the call.

"Sorry TaeYeon I never choose you again." Jessica held the ring and keep it inside her pocket as she walk back into her room.


To be continued.

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