Do I Really Love Her?

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"I will pick you up at 7, okay?" I called Tiffany to remind her about our tonight's date and finally took the chance when Tiffany confessed her feelings after a few weeks hanging out together in my place or hers and the emotions I've been feeling were mixed.

*Okay drive safely see you!* She answered back before we both hang up.

"Did I make the right choice?" I asked my stupid self while I'm driving my fine old car I used to ride with my ex Jessica.

"Can she help me move on?" I'm totally confused with my feelings although me and Jessica already broke up a long time ago and it's my chance to finally sailing and move on from her shadows.

"I'm screwed." I curse myself.




"You bought it for me?" TaeYeon couldn't believe she's seeing the old and cheap yet fine car that her girlfriend bought for her birthday.

"Yeah, sorry if that's the one I could only afford from my savings." Jessica felt embarrassed but her adorable little girlfriend jump on her while showering her more kisses on the face.

"I LOVE IT SO MUCH BABY!!!!" TaeYeon's eyes only scream love for her girlfriend as she tightly embracing Jessica.

"Can I try it?" TaeYeon excitedly asked.

"Of course, it's all yours baby." Jessica gave the key and let her girlfriend check and test her new fine car.

"I also like the color blue." Jessica smile widely when she witnessed how TaeYeon appreciates the present.

"From now on, I will pick you up in your workplace." TaeYeon boastfully said since Jessica works in a small company although she came from a wealthy family and because of her relationship with a woman, Mr. Jung decided to disown his own daughter and let her astray but Jessica was brave to face her father so she proves herself yet she didn't talked with TaeYeon about her decision to migrate to other country.

"Thanks." Jessica sadly smile while watching her lover because she always felt guilty that she chose her dream over her but it's the only thing to proved herself to her father.

"Are you okay?" TaeYeon noticed her girlfriend change of mood so she try to cheer her up.

"Happy birthday Taengoo!" Jessica fake her smile and TaeYeon believe it.

*I'm sorry Taengoo.*


"What's the meaning of this Jessica?" TaeYeon went home and found her girlfriend packing her stuffs inside her huge luggages.

"It's my only chance TaeYeon and I don't want to miss it. I love my dreams so I could prove myself to my father please understand me?!" Jessica's heart felt heavy but she have to do it for herself and maybe on their future if TaeYeon could wait for her.

"Did you really have to leave?" TaeYeon's voice filled with sadness as she watched Jessica already packed and ready to leave their house.

"I must but --------- "  Jessica halt.

"I understand." TaeYeon frown yet she still helped her girlfriend with her luggages as she walks her outside their house.

"You must not be late on your flight and have a safe trip Jessica." TaeYeon never looked at her eyes and didn't said a few words for Jessica as she turned her back trying to hold back her tears.

"TaeYeon?" Jessica stopped herself from pulling her girlfriend into her warm embrace and just hail a cab on the way to the airport without saying her last goodbye thinking it wasn't over.



"I will introduce you to Hansung Build Co. team project and the representative of their company." One of the board of directors in Jessica's company.

"I'm Wendy Son, the creative assistant." One of the female staff from Hansung Build Co.

"My name's Irene Bae, the project coordinator." The pretty one shyly introduced.

"Our team leader must be late today so I will represent the team on her behalf and I'm Sunny Lee, the assistant team leader." The woman shook hand with Jessica Jung.

"I'm Jessica Jung, the creative director and designer of the our company." The elegant woman introduced herself.

"She's our company's gem." Director Kang praises one of their company's director who became the most hardworking female share holder.

"Don't expect so much from me I might disappoint you in the future and please take good care of me." Jessica politely bow her head and pay respect on her collaborate team for her runway project.

"Oh, it's an honor for us to have a collaboration with you Miss Jessica Jung." Sunny reflected on her polite actions same goes with Wendy and Irene behind.

"I hope you can meet our team leader but I don't know what happen to her today." Sunny scratch her neck awkwardly because of TaeYeon's clumsiness.

"Maybe she got caught on traffic." Wendy defended before they heard the door open and tiresome TaeYeon appears filled with sweat from running faster than the speed of light.

"Sorry I'm late." The team leader said and meet Director Kang's eyes.

"It's fine." Director Kang smiling back at her as they proceed on the next room for the contract signing.

"Why are you late today?" Sunny barks.

"Sorry, my tire was flat." TaeYeon apologize repeatedly on her team when her eyes landed on Jessica's direction.

"Jessica??" TaeYeon called while she's taking the bottled water from cheerful Wendy's hand.

"TaeYeon?" The former lovers couldn't take their eyes away from each other.

"Do you know each other?" Irene asked.

"No, we just only met once and it's been a few years ago." Jessica was the one who quickly answered making TaeYeon hurt inside.

"Really? It's good so we will be able to work on our project collaboration." Sunny informs before they went inside to another room.

"Shall we proceed now?" Director Kang asked before she went inside to another room.

"Of course Director Kang." TaeYeon answered like nothing happens.

"Good and Miss Jessica you can discuss the further details from your project to Miss TaeYeon." Director Kang added before she left for school.

"Noted Director Kang." Jessica answered before she followed the young Director and completely ignores TaeYeon's presence almost beside her.

"Jessica?" TaeYeon catch up with Jessica who almost went to another room.

"This isn't the place for us to talk." Jessica glare madly at TaeYeon who accidentally held her wrist.

"Okay." TaeYeon sighed watching her former lover finding her seat inside the conference room.

To be continued

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