I Want To Make It With You

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"Are the materials ready?" TaeYeon asked Sunny about their approved plan and they were in the venue like what Irene informed her.

"Of course it's already 25% done." Sunny shows the venue and TaeYeon was amazed by her team's work.

"You're really good at it." TaeYeon praises her good friend.

"Because you design so well. Why don't you finish your architecture course?" Sunny curiously asked.

"I just don't seem to like it now." TaeYeon sighed deeply.


"So you will be taking architecture course?" Jessica asked her girlfriend as they comfortably enjoying time together at their shared apartment.

"You always praising my works and I figure out this is my dream because you also loves designing right?" TaeYeon referring to Jessica's love for fashion designing so if she take the course that involves with her girlfriend then they will make a good couple.

"Because you're beyond good for it so do your best to become an architect Kim TaeYeon." Jessica kisses the tip of TaeYeon's nose before she succumbed the adorable one inside her embrace.

"I will become an architect for us." TaeYeon reciprocated Jessica's affection by kissing her lips and they spend the whole day together.

"Then I will wait for it." Jessica remarks.

"Thank you babe. I love you!" TaeYeon chuckle and held her girlfriend's hand.

"I love you too babe Taengoo!"



"TaeYeon? TaeYeon?" Tiffany called her girlfriend twice because she noticed how TaeYeon was out of her mind today. They were spending their night watching movies at their living room and sitting comfortably in the floor.

"Huh? Yeah?" TaeYeon seems so confused and Tiffany doesn't want to bother her girlfriend.

"Are you alright? You didn't even touch your food? You okay? Something bothering you?" Tiffany was a bit worried of TaeYeon's work these past few days that she often in dazed.

"Don't worry baby." TaeYeon touches her girlfriend's face and caresses.

"What can I do to make it up?" TaeYeon asked because she felt guilty knowing she keeps something in herself regarding Jessica.

"Just don't skip your lunch when you're working and always message me about your whereabouts it's enough for me and I'm sure you will be fine everyday." Tiffany was so caring about her girlfriend that she didn't bother to suspect TaeYeon whether she's keeping something from her because she understand and respect her.

"I'm sorry for making you worry for me." TaeYeon closes the gap between them and place a kiss on Tiffany's lips.

"Maybe we can make it out tonight." TaeYeon take advantage of the situation and pinned Tiffany on the floor.

"Baby?" Tiffany blushes by her girlfriend's bold action so she didn't waste the opportunity and grabbed TaeYeon's collar pulling her until their lips touches each other.

*smooch* They make out on the floor while TaeYeon's hand slowly stripping her girlfriend who was comfortably pinned on the floor underneath her.

"Shall we continue?" TaeYeon asked permission if Tiffany was up for it since they respect each other.

"I'd like to make it with you." TaeYeon added the burning fire inside as she saw Tiffany's naked torso together with her pleading expression.

"Let me feel your love tonight." TaeYeon trying to erase Jessica's memories for tonight as she continue her advances towards her new girlfriend.

"Tae?" Tiffany felt worried because it's been so long since she was touched by someone.

"Don't be afraid and held my hand." TaeYeon intertwined their hands together before she attack Tiffany's naked body.


"Director Kang?" Jessica called.

"Ms. Jung?" Kang Seulgi stopped and approach her colleague.

"Are you free tonight? I've got a VIP ticket pass in the movie." Jessica want to confirm something while spending her time with Seulgi.

"Oh? I'll see my schedule." Kang Seulgi check her journal if she has any appointment and didn't noticed Jessica already beside her secretly peaking from behind.

"I think I'm free tonight. Ah? Ms. Jung?" Seulgi was surprised when Jessica was already behind staring at her journal.

"What are you doing?" Seulgi suddenly got nervous and sweaty when she stares at Jessica's beautiful feature.

"You're still so organized Director." Jessica praises her colleague before she went back into her desk located near with Seulgi.

"Same with you." Seulgi nervously laugh when Jessica finally sat back on her chair after teasing the young Director.

"But not as good as you." Jessica sighed when she recalls her father nagging at her after breaking up with TaeYeon.

"Does Mr. Jung still not proud of you?" Jessica shares some private talks with Seulgi about her family and lovelife with TaeYeon without mentioning her ex girlfriend's name.

"He seems so unsatisfied and since Krystal already finished her medicine. My father always praising her higher than me after what I've been through." Jessica felt frustrated of how her life goes on and sacrificing everything to get praise by her own father although she got back to the family, Mr. Jung still doesn't fully accepted her even if she broke up with TaeYeon.

"I'm not good enough for him." Jessica shed tears again and Seulgi wad the only one who always witnessed her soft side.

"Director Jung." Seulgi called.

"Huh?" Jessica looked at Seulgi's serious expression whenever she have to tell something.

"I always recognized your hardwork and I knew you're beyond my expectations so keep it up reaching for your goals and I'm still standing right behind you in case you need some support." Seulgi complimented Jessica and gently smile at her before she focus on her work again and it makes the room awkward in a good way.

*Why did I have to be honest with her maybe she thinks of me weird?* Seulgi felt embarrassed with herself after comforting Jessica by her random words.

*She's adorable* Jessica silently chuckle and wipe off her tears staring at Seulgi's work mode.

"Thank you Director Kang! I will never disappoint you and please take good care of me." Jessica bowed at her senior although she's younger than her. Seulgi was a hardworking senior in the company that taking good care of the employees but she rather focus on work than lovelife so she remains single after her last breakup.

"Fighting!" Seulgi shows her fist pump before they happily laughed together.


To be continued.

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