Messing With Me Again

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"So, we will discuss the overall designs for Jessica's project later after we got our rest. It's been a long ride before we got here." Director Kang announce before she directly went to her room but unusually avoiding Jessica.

"What happen to Director Kang?" Wendy whisper to her superior Sunny while they we're busy unpacking their stuffs and went to their respective room.

"No idea. Maybe they had lover's quarrel?" Sunny shrugged and continue unpacking her clothes for later.

"Lover's quarrel? Does Ms. Jung and Director Kang are an item?" Irene asked.

"Maybe?" Sunny answered and shrugged.

"You want to drink tonight Ms. Lee?" Wendy intervene as she helps Irene with her luggage.

"If TaeYeon will drink then I do too." Sunny smile at her juniors before they neatly arrange everything inside their room.

"Ms. Kim oftentimes spacing out while I'm working with her." Irene noticed and told Sunny about it since they were close friends.

"Maybe she's stress." Sunny doesn't want their juniors to worry about TaeYeon whose working diligently but something distracting her from work.

*Is she thinking of Jessica?* Sunny wonders but she ignores it and focus on their project instead.

"Jessica?" Director Kang was surprise when Jessica enter her room without knocking or informing her.

"Tell me why did you keep on avoiding me? Until when?" Jessica was pissed off about Seulgi's behavior because she turned her offer down.

"......" Seulgi keep silence.

"You won't answer me now? Is it because I rejected your offer to be my lover?" Jessica glare at her friend who kept avoiding her eyes.

"Sorry, it's so unprofessional of me." Seulgi apologize but she kept on avoiding Jessica afterwards.

"Hey! Seulgi yah!" Jessica pulls Seulgi's sleeves as she passed by hee but the poor later blankly stare at her and went outside the room leaving Jessica alone by herself.

"Stubborn kid." Jessica sighed before she saw TaeYeon froze on her spot as she passed by the room where Seulgi left awhile ago.

*Do I have to avoid her?* Jessica hesitates to went outside and follow Seulgi because her ex girlfriend were infront of her now with a serious look on her face.

"You keep on messing my mind, you hear me? I can't focus because of you." TaeYeon blurted out all of a sudden making Jessica beyond surprise.

"I don't know if I already moved on from you or you keep on playing with me? I don't if I can continue to work with you but it's so unprofessional if I will quit." TaeYeon honestly said while staring at Jessica's shocked face.

"What do you want me to do? What are you doing right now? It wasn't clear for you that we're done few years ago." Jessica angrily said as she faces TaeYeon with her cold expression but soon the coldness of her heart became warmer than before when her and ex lover hugged her in surprise.

"I don't want you to messed with me again. I don't want to avoid this feeling again because everytime I saw you I couldn't help but pulling me into you." TaeYeon tears fell on her eyes as she tightly hugging Jessica infront of Seulgi's room.

"Why did you broke up with me?" TaeYeon want her questions to be answer by the ones who broke her heart few years ago and this time she wasn't messing but she's being honest with herself that she still loves Jessica so deeply although she has Tiffany.

"TaeYeon it's so wrong." Jessica closes her eyes but she never embrace her ex lover back instead she stood with her cold and empty heart but after TaeYeon told her about her inner feelings she's messing with her heart now.

"I can't love you back like before." Jessica bluntly told TaeYeon who kept on hugging her but she's slowly pushing her away but she was much stronger than Jessica.

"Let's moved on. You already had Tiffany and I must give my answer to Seulgi." Jessica lied about her and Director Kang's relationship because she only sees her as a dear friend and nothing else more.

"I missed you." TaeYeon said while she push away from the embrace and stares at Jessica's empty eyes.

"You're no good in lying with me." TaeYeon and Jessica has long term relationship besides they knew each other than anyone else.

"I won't let the summer lost again." TaeYeon added before she closes their gap.

"This is so wrong." Jessica quickly pushes TaeYeon away and covers her lips.

"Our breakup was the wrong ones." TaeYeon eagerly pulls Jessica's hand as she dragged the woman on their way to TaeYeon's room instead.

"WHAT. DO. YOU. THINK. ARE. YOU. DOING. KIM. TAEYEON????" Jessica yells at TaeYeon who keep on dragging her and struggle from her strong grip.

"You? What do you think are you doing to me right now? Messing with me again?" Jessica never knew how TaeYeon's angry state scared her everytime they got into fight.

"Don't mess with me Jung." TaeYeon coldly said as she forcefully pulls Jessica inside her room and lock it.

"Let's end everything here." TaeYeon shouted at Jessica who keeps on glaring at her ex lover.

"Fine with me." Jessica faces TaeYeon back before she pulls her into a deeper and angry kiss. She couldn't help to get more mad at TaeYeon's rude behavior over the years they've been dating.

"Jessica?" TaeYeon's angry emotion subsided when Jessica kisses her deeper.

"Is this what you want, huh?" Jessica slowly unbuttons her white blouse showing her lacy red bra that TaeYeon gave her as a present.

"I know you only want my body everytime you got frustrated or mad at me?" Jessica knows how pervert TaeYeon was but right now she wanted to punish herself by giving herself to her former lover.

"Jessica don't test my patience." TaeYeon was also mad for belittling by Jessica's words who keep on looking down on her.

"Don't dare me Kim TaeYeon!!!" Jessica's angry tone make her more aggressive and mad as well so she deepen the kiss and destroy Jessica's clothing in ease grabbing the woman on her bed.

"I'll make you regret for breaking up with me Jessica Jung!!!!" TaeYeon angrily said.

To be continued.

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