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"Siah please," Kash whined, trying to writhe away from Kasiah, as he locked his arms around her thighs

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"Siah please," Kash whined, trying to writhe away from Kasiah, as he locked his arms around her thighs. "I-I—" she stammered trying to catch her breath, which felt impossible because he hadn't stopped.

They'd been going at it for nearly an hour now. Thirty minutes of that hour was Kasiah teasing her relentlessly and refusing to let her finish, and these last thirty minutes had been of him eating her out and not stopping even after she finished twice.

"What you can't take it?" he lifted his head and licked over his lips.

"I can't fucking breathe," she whined again, and he just laughed. "It's not funny,"

"It's kinda funny," he chuckled, standing up, and pulling his shirt off. He was so preoccupied with turning Sadé into a mess that he hadn't taken anything off, he was still fully dressed. As he finally began to undress, he just stared at her, he watched her try to regulate her breathing, and calm down. The subtle shaking of her entire body and the way her eyes were halfway closed was something to behold.

"Sit up for me," he spoke and her eyes popped back open. She did as he asked and sat up straight, allowing him to grab her face in his hand, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip before leaning over and crashing his lips to hers, causing a delayed moan to leave her. "You so fucking pretty," he looked her up and down, and he could practically see her start to blush in her facial expressions.

"Thank you," she smiled a little bit and he smirked.

"You gon let me fuck that pretty face, baby?" he continued rubbing on her lips, watching her eyes widen a little but before she nodded slowly. "I can't hear you," he spoke, slipping his thumb past her lips into her mouth.

"Y-yes," she nodded again, talking around his thumb. He kept the same smirk on his face and it made her smile amidst her blush, face still hot from the way he asked his question. Nodding, he pulled back from her.

Slightly nervous, Kash scrambled up off the bed and followed him to the sofa in the room and watched him sit down, legs wide, and tug his briefs down, and motion her over to him. She walked between his open legs and dropped to her knees, staring up at him.

She'd quite literally never done this before, but she trusted her boyfriend and she knew he wouldn't hurt a way she didn't consent to.

"You let me know  if you get uncomfortable, and let me know if you wanna stop, and we'll stop, okay?" he made sure to say, as always and she nodded, as always. "Good. Open," he spoke simply and her mouth opened wide.

Slowly but surely he slid into her mouth and instead of closing it, she remained in the same position, while his hips thrusted slowly back and forth, in an attempt to get her used to the feeling. He went deeper each time until he was touching her throat, causing her to gag slightly.

"Shit," he gritted. He pulled out for a second to let her breathe, and once she did that, he was right back, now with his hand on the back of her head, pushing her down at a speed he liked—which was fast. After a moment, he had to stand up. He held her head still while he thrusted faster into her mouth, his head dropping backwards from the intense feeling.

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