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"Mimi, I'm gon be down there for Auntie Charlie's birthday in like two weeks," he chuckled

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"Mimi, I'm gon be down there for Auntie Charlie's birthday in like two weeks," he chuckled.  His Mimi called him on his lunch break at work and was complaining that he had been gone too long. 

"Well you need to call me, Kasiah," she fussed.

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry," he said. He knew he was slacking on calling his family, he was usually much better at remembering. "Well, Ima see if I can bring my girlfriend to Auntie cookout," he said, knowing the news would cheer her up.

"Girlfriend?! Lawd, I been waitin' on this chile," Clarabelle clapped her hands, and Siah simply shook his head—he was surrounded by dramatic women, he learned to love it. "What's her name, son?" she wondered.

"Her name is Sadé, she's 21," he told her. "I'm gonna ask if she wants to come soon, you got extra room for us?" he wondered, already knowing the answer.

"Boy, of course I do! Tell your lovely girlfriend that your Mimi wants to meet her, I'm sure she'll come then," Clara nodded.

"Okay," he laughed.

"Clarabelle!" he heard his grandfather call. "Clara—I know you heard me calling you, Clarabelle," he said, and Siah tried his best not to laugh.

"All of Houston Texas heard you calling me, Jebediah. What do you need?" she chuckled. "Your grandson is on the phone,"

"I need you to taste these greens, you out here wit' a sweet tea while I'm sweatin' in that kitchen," he fussed. "Hey, boy!"

"Hey Pop," Siah laughed.

After he finished talking to his grandparents, he checked his phone for texts—mainly from Sadé. He didn't text anyone else with a sense of urgency besides his girlfriend.

peanut💕: i misssssss youuuuuuu papa bearrrrrrr 🥺🥺
: i miss you too
peanut💕: that was very unenthusiastic.
: i miss you too, love of my life, most beautiful girl in the world, the light of my life
peanut💕: better 🥰  can you come get me
: yes baby 💀

He shook his head, putting his phone up and going back to work, thankful that he got off at 6 instead of 8 like he was all last month. His body could not handle any more overtime.

"You tryna go to Waffle House after this?" Khy yawned. When they first started working here, Waffle House on Friday's was a tradition. It'd slowed down now, life got in the way a lot, but some weeks they still made it work.

"Hell yeah," Siah nodded. Khy, a lot of times, also used their Friday's to talk. Khy was in a very expressive household but he needed conditions to be met for him to disclose anything going on—and him being comfortable was one. Siah knew, since he randomly brought it up, something must be going on.

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