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"Sadé! You ready?! We finna go!" Kash heard her brother call as she zipped her last bag

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"Sadé! You ready?! We finna go!" Kash heard her brother call as she zipped her last bag. As usual, Kash was the last packed, the last dressed and the last to be ready to go.

"Yes! I'm coming!" she called, grabbing her rolling suitcase and her duffle bag—and her toiletry bag before rushing down to the living room, were everyone was waiting on her. Khyren, Ava, Aryn, Nevaeh, her boyfriend, Adonis and Kasiah were waiting on her. "Sorry," she cheesed.

"Girl come the hell on," Khy shook his head, taking her bags from her and taking it to his truck. They were taking Khy's truck because it could seat all of them very comfortably, without any fuss. The back row may be a little tight but nobody really minded it was just about a two hour drive.

"Can I sit in the back?" Kash asked, running her fingers through her hair.

"You late, shorty. I called it," Kasiah said, looking at his phone.

"First of all, this is my brother's car so if I wanna sit in the back I can do that even if you called it—secondly, there's three seats in the back," she rolled her eyes.

"I'an say you could sit wit' me tho," he looked up from his phone, smirking, knowing he was getting on her nerves.

"I don't wanna sit with you, Kasiah, I wanna sit in the back of the truck, you just so happen to be sitting your ass back there," she shot back.

"Aye! Don't start y'all shit!" Khyren called. "Both y'all ass sitting in the back, Aryn sit with them please, thank you. Donny, Vaeh,, Malik y'all in the middle, me and Ava up front, Na' get in," he spoke, making the two of them roll their eyes.

Everyone loaded in, Kash in the middle of Kasiah and Aryn, already mad because she wanted the window but she had the shortest legs of three and was forced to sit there.

"Where's my car blanket so I can go to sleep—Ava! That's mine," she called up front seeing her unfolding the blanket she kept in here. "Y'all know I get cold easily don't play me,"

"My bad, pooh," Ava giggled and they passed it back to her. After that and a short prayer for a safe trip, Khy pulled out of the driveway, the group was off for what would hopefully be a week of relaxation.

And for Kash—a new beginning.

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