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"Mama," Kash whined over the phone

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"Mama," Kash whined over the phone. "I don't know what I want done to my hair tomorrow, help," she said, while leaning on her father's shoulder.

"What's tomorrow, mommy?" Bianca wondered, moving around the salon.

"Tomorrow is Kasiah's birthday dinner and his party is the next day. You know I have to look good," she said and her mom laughed while her father gagged. "Daddy, please," she chuckled.

"Yes, Donovan please," Bianca said. 

"My baby don't need to look good for no man except Jesus in church," Donovan fussed making Kash and her mother laugh. "I can't believe you like that boy, Kash,"

"Me either," she giggled.

It had been about a week and a half, just about two weeks, and Kasiah's birthday was almost here. Kash was excited, she wanted to dress up and look pretty both nights, but she wasn't sure what to do with her hair. She hadn't stress this much over her hair in a long time, which just added to the list of reasons why she knew she likes Siah for real and this wasn't some temporary crush.

"Oh gosh, I never told Khy," she gasped, randomly realizing. She remembered what her mother said about not needing his permission, and she knew she didn't. She just wanted to make him aware—in case she was flirting or even acting weird, he wouldn't ask her right then what was going on. He was very liable to do so.

After she and her mom discussed how she was getting her hair done and she showed Kash some ultrasound pictures from her last appointment, she got off the phone and went to go get ready to see Khy, which just consisted of her taking her bonnet off.

"You goin' to your brother's house like that?" Donovan snickered, seeing Kash in a pair of fuzzy pajama pants and a t-shirt complete with her ugg slides. "Can you even drive in them things?"

"Yes, father," she chuckled. "It's just Khy, we not going nowhere—and if we do I'm staying in the car,"

"What if your lil friend there?" he smirked, knowing exactly how Kash got.

"Not my lil friend," she laughed. "I'm sure he is at his own house with his dad. I'll see you later, okay? Text me if you need anything while I'm gone," she smiled.

"Alright, babygirl. Love you,"

"Love you too!" she called as she walked downstairs to the garage to get her car.

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