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"My birthday is in two weeks!" Kash sang, as she exited the bathroom

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"My birthday is in two weeks!" Kash sang, as she exited the bathroom. They were both off work for the day, and she had just finished her shower. Luckily, it was Friday, so they planned on staying up late and doing whatever they wanted. "Whatchu gon buy me?" she asked, grabbing her bottle of lotion off his dresser.

"Dick in a box," he chuckled and her jaw dropped, making him laugh harder. "Why you keep asking me? I'm not gon give you no serious answer Sadé." It was true, she'd been asking him since the first day of April what her gift was going to be, and he hadn't answered her question in the slightest.

He of course had something planned, after all this was their first birthday that they'd be spending together as a couple.

It'd soon be a full five months since they started dating, but it felt so much longer. He knew by the time their first anniversary came, it would already feel like years had passed.

"Siah, I'm hungry," Kash sighed, after she was done pouting about her present. "Feed me,"

"We ate before we came in the house, Sadé, how you hungry already?" he turned slightly to face her as she was moisturizing her legs. "What, you ain't eat at work?"

"I did! I just have a big appetite today, and I am starving nearly to death," she spoke dramatically and he shook his head. "You don't believe me?"

"Whatchu wanna eat, girl," he chuckled, pulling his phone out and handing it to her so she could look through uber eats.

"Aww look at me on your homescreen," she cooed. "Oh—Mr. Frank just texted you, papa," she said, showing him the text which just asked if he could come through the shop tomorrow around 4.

"Tell him Ima be there," Siah nodded, grabbing his remote to flip through some Disney+ options. There was so much on here he got overwhelmed and ended up watching a Marvel movie he'd seen a million times already.

Kash scrolled aimlessly through uber eats until she found something she wanted, and of course Kasiah wouldn't turn food down, so after that they were both just waiting on their late night dinner to arrive downstairs.

"Baby, how's your mama?" he asked, glancing over at her watching the movie intently.

"Chile she over it, but that baby is not moving," Kash chuckled. Bianca was currently two days past her due date for her daughter, and very tired of being pregnant at this point. She was eagerly waiting for the day when her water broke and she could meet her baby.

"Crazy how Prince and them had their baby first," he chuckled and Sadé laughed while nodding in agreement. "He doing better right?"

Prince had his son—Amir, which meant prince of course, about a week and a half ago. His full name was Amir Jace, and he was precious. Although he was born full term, he was having problems latching and he didn't like taking the bottle so the doctors wanted to keep him overnight just in case.

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