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As soon as Siah opened his eyes that morning, his mind was racing. Today, January 1st had to be one of the most important days of his life and he was feeling a million emotions at once. He was at his apartment alone that morning, and as badly as he wanted Sadé to stay over, they both wanted to follow tradition.

But, right now all he wanted was to hear her humming obnoxiously loudly, albeit annoying, he wouldn't mind being woken up by her, instead of Khyren staring back at him with a stupid grin on his face.

"Why you in my room?" Siah rasped out, rubbing his eyes.

"Nigga wakes up on his wedding day with a damn attitude," Khy scoffed, and Siah smirked, remembering that it was his wedding day and by the time the clock hit 6, he'd be a married man with nothing more to look forward to than every day with his wife.

"I was gon bring Kaavi in here but since you acting stink I'll—"

"Nah! Where she at?" Siah quickly changed his tune at the mention of his Goddaughter whom he'd falled head over heels in love with. She was a little angel—a fussy angel, but still perfect to him nonetheless. "Bring my baby,"

"You fake ass nigga," Khy chuckled. "Wash up and come get her, she in here sleep with Donny," he jerked his thumb backwards toward the living room. "We hungry so hurry up, and if I hear Sadé voice on that phone I'm gon beat yo ass," he pointed threateningly.

"Whatever nigga," Siah laughed and got up to do just that.

They had made sure to tell their friends to be sure they kept apart all day today. They had plans to not necessarily see each other before the ceremony, but they'd written each other a letter—this was of course Sade's idea entirely. They'd be giving the letters to each other through the door where Dae and her bridesmaids were getting ready, and just to check on each other before everything started. To hear her voice would ground him in a way he knew he'd need later on.

He saw a million texts from his family members congratulating him as he prepared for the morning—he'd be taking another shower later on so this one wasn't long. His mind was running a million miles a minute, and he was practically buzzing with excitement by the time he was running a brush over his hair.

The plans for today weren't extensive like he was sure Sade's were. He had a haircut at 2:30, and he was to start getting ready at 4:15–the groomsmen with him. So, as it was only 10 now, they had some time to kill before they had to go to Donovan's shop.

He wouldn't have anyone else cut his hair for his wedding. Despite the fact that this was about to be his father in law, Donovan was his regular barber, and if he was stupid enough to step out on his barber on his wedding day, he would have deserved whatever happened to his hairline.

"Goddaddy here, give the baby up," Siah announced as soon as he stepped out of his bedroom, seeing Kaavia now wide eyed, staring around the room, leaning on Adonis' chest as he scrolled on his phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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