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"Bubs, this one is nice!" Kash pointed to a cute stroller, as they roamed around the store

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"Bubs, this one is nice!" Kash pointed to a cute stroller, as they roamed around the store. Siah was currently at his apartment—now Khyren's apartment packing the last of his clothes to take to he and Kash's new place while Kash was helping her brother shop for the baby.

She had a lot of things she needed from the shower that just passed, but the big gifts would stay with her mother, so Khy needed some things as well. A stroller, and a bassinet were at the top of his list at the moment. She didn't need a full crib yet, and when she slept over at his place, he'd want her closer than the crib anyway.

"Kash, it looks the same as the last one," he chuckled, patting Skai's back as she took a nap on his shoulder. Bianca and her husband were on a date and Kash happily volunteered to watch her now 8 month old sister.

Skai took a liking to Khy, though, and was clinging to him all day. Kash had been calling he fake all day as well.

"Okay, but this one is yellow," she pointed. "But, it's whatever you prefer, I'm just paying," she shrugged, pushing the cart ahead and grabbing a boppy pillow for her.

"Kash, you know you don't have to buy my daughter a stroller right? You've done so much for us already," he said and she waved him off.

"I know I don't, but I want to. I wanna help! I don't mind spending my money on y'all, you know that. Plus, I gotta outdo her damn Godfather, he's so extra," she huffed, making Khy laugh. Both Adonis and Kasiah loved showering the baby in gifts, Kash was constantly getting amazon notifications dealing with him.

"I appreciate it. It's good to know my baby is loved," he said sincerely. "Of course I knew y'all was gon love her, it just feels good to see,"

"Of course we love her! Our first little Bryant baby," she cooed. "You excited to be a daddy?" she asked, as Skai started to fuss a little bit, telling Kash it was time for another bottle, that she handed to Khy.

"Yeah. Every appointment makes me more excited to meet her, like yeah, I'm scared as shit like I'm terrified but I wanna meet my baby, man. I want her to know her daddy loves her," he smiled slightly as Skai started to eat.

"She knows already, all that talking you do to her," Kash smiled fondly. Seeing him grow more confident in his ability to be a dad was so good to see, he was so nervous in the beginning and those nerves translated into excitement, she knew he was gonna be great with her.

"I personally cannot wait to meet her either. Are you sure y'all are gonna be comfortable enough with her in the wedding? She'll only be what? Two months old," she asked.

Kash and Siah's wedding was on January 1st, the start of the new year and their new life together, they thought it was the perfect date for them. Siah also thought it'd give him something good to celebrate in the midst of grieving his mother and sister in the winter.

"Absolutely. I'll hold her," he assured her. He wanted Kash to have her niece be part of her special day, he knew she wanted it too. "Ava's perfectly okay with it, we just talked about it again on Monday," he told her.

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