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baby🥺💕: im sorry mama

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baby🥺💕: im sorry mama. ima be there as soon as i can

Sadé read Kasiah's text and she whined loudly as her father ran his hand over her hair. "He's still working. I want him to come now," she sniffed.

"It's okay babygirl," he said. "He'd be here if he could, but I'm here for you," he rubbed her back as she laid her head in his lap.

Kash was on her period, it was only the second day of six horrendous days, and she was in an immense amount of pain. She'd always had terrible periods ever since she was about 12. The cramps were unbearable, normal medication didn't work and the birth control she was on didn't do her much good. She had migraines, for the first few days she was very nauseous and she didn't get much sleep—but was very fatigued.

She despised the week it came.

Right now, she was nauseous and had a terrible headache—along with the cramps and her ibuprofen wasn't kicking in. She was laying with her dad, and Anaya but mostly her father, but she wanted her boyfriend. Siah had to work overtime this week, all the boys at the shop did and he was still there at the moment.

Her dad was just a little jealous. She was a big daddy's girl growing up, and most times still was. Usually when her period came around he knew, and they'd always be like this. Donovan spent time with her trying to make her feel better, but now she wanted her boyfriend and he had yet again come to the realization that his baby was grown up now.

They'd always had a close relationship, ever since she was born. When she used to be at his house for the week, they'd have the best time and Donovan was so excited when she decided to live with him during high school and through college.

She was grown now—she'd be twenty two in two months or so, and he couldn't believe his baby was so big. Khyren too, on his twenty second he was a mess realizing his kids didn't particularly need him anymore. But he'd always be there regardless of that, and he made sure they knew.

"I know," she sniffed. "I love you, daddy,"

"I love you too, babygirl," he grinned. "You want some snacks? You need me to put new water in this?" he wondered, talking about her hot water bottle.

"No," she sniffled. "I just wanna stay here,"

"Okay, you can stay," he nodded and Anaya gave a sad pout, joining her husband in rubbing Kash's back.

"Let us know if you need anything, pooh bear," Anaya said. She'd known Kash for years now and loved her very much. She'd seen this monthly for a long time so she knew how much pain Kash must have been in and it made her sad to see.

"Thank you, Naya," she mumbled.

Her father had the television on a low volume, as to not aggravate her migrane, and the lights off for the same reason. There was water on for tea and he was ready to get her food, in case she was hungry, even though she probably wouldn't eat since she couldn't keep much down.

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