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"Aryn Sincere

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"Aryn Sincere. Why are you making life hard for that man?" Sadé asked sternly after Davon and Kasiah left the house. They went to go pick up some food since the uber eats delivery fees were far too high.

They were having a movie night, Kash decided to have Aryn and Davon over too, as a kind of double date—and Aryn was not as happy as she thought she'd be. Ever since she'd come home from Louisiana she'd been in a funk. Her grandfather was doing much better now—thankfully, but she wasn't.

"I don't know what you're talking about Sadé—"

"Aht, see there you go lying. What's the matter? Tell me," Kash pushed, knowing this was the only way she'd talk. "Aryn I'm serious,"

"I miss my family!" she finally cracked. "When I was home, I remembered how much I don't get to see my own mama and daddy and it's really getting to me now. I don't wanna move back to Louisiana because I have a life here now—I have so many good opportunities here. But I just—I can't walk to my cousin's house whenever I'm bored, I can't eat my mama food when I'm hungry and the shit sucks. I feel like a part of me is missing all the time, it's frustrating!" she explained and Kash's heart went out to her.

Aryn grew up in a big southern family—as did Kash. But Kash was constantly surrounded by her family and she couldn't imagine how it'd feel not being around any of them at all.

"I'm sorry, Bug. You don't just wanna fly back? Maybe stay for a little while?" she suggested, letting Aryn lean on her shoulder.

"I don't have enough vacation time yet," she sighed, looking like she wanted to cry. "I been trying to get around it but I just can't and my mama and them money tight because of Paw's surgery and my Maw's medication. It's so annoying, and now Von's probably pissed and me—I hate it here," she sighed loudly.

Aryn also did not deal well with negative emotions. She'd rather take time to herself to sort out her feelings or whatever else was bothering her and return when she was feeling better but she'd been in a relationship for close to four months now and doing that was irrational, and unfair to her partner who was confused as to why she'd been so withdrawn.

"Well, if I can do anything at all to help please let me know. I know you miss them babe," Kash said. She wasn't going to say she'd pay for anything because she knew her best friend would shut that down quick. But this sounded vague—which worked. "And I don't think he's pissed at you, baby. I think he just wants to know what's wrong with his girlfriend. You need to talk to him," Kash said.

"I know," she sighed. "Being a girlfriend is hard as hell, you gotta be all considerate of their feelings and shit," she huffed and Kash laughed loudly.

She could see her friend trying—but sometimes old habits were extremely hard to break, but Sadé was happy she was here to help her friend get out of it. For her and Davon's sake.

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